Dec 2, 2002
I have read all the magazines on what not to eat on race day but they do not tell you what to eat. Big race on sunday but what will help me during the week upto the race and on the race day itself. Pasta is good for long term energy but what else will help me.


Nov 26, 2001
Well Lee , Ivan Tedesco said he eats a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich an hour before a race . Time to get it into the system , I guess ?. It sounds like a good combination of protien &carbs.


May 20, 2001
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is basically all fast carbos. It might help if you chomped that down 5 minutes or less before the start, but an hour is too much for any physical advantage.

For a normal person, just eat regular during the week (chicken, fish, rice, pasta) and from the day before the race move more towards carbos (pasta, rice, veggies with protein rich stuff only thrown in for some flavour).

There are whole books written about this.


Oct 6, 2002
I agree with Anssi, to a certain point. I think what you eat durning the week is just as important as what you eat before you ride. In fact if you eat crap all week you might as well eat crap before you race. I once new a guy who would always eat bananas before he raced, and then have to take a dump half way through a 3 hour hare scramble. Could you imagine the amount of comfort that provided.


Nov 26, 2000
I avoid alcohol the week before a race (at the least - the day before)and drink heaps of water to make sure I'm hydrated. I eat a pasta or rice dish the night before to build up the carbo stores. In the morning I eat my usual bowl of cereal (usually 4 vita brits (like weet bix) with soy milk. I usually snack on a banana on the way to the race. I eat fruit and usually a rice and tuna dish between races. I can't eat much in one sitting (race day jitters), so I just snack to keep the energy levels up when ever I have a spare moment. I also drink heaps of water and I have mouthfulls of a sports drink throughout the day to replenish lost fluids.
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