The Josh

Jan 16, 2002
I have a friend who was busted a month ago for possesion, before you formulate any opinions let me tell you a little about him, he was 17 and already in college through the running start program, the chairman of his local fbla club (future business leaders of america) and working full time at mcdonalds. Before he got into college he had a 4.0 in high school and was an honor roll student. Since he got busted his life has been falling apart, the poe poes' took his licence and cut off his college funding, since they took his license he had to quit his job because he had no way to get there and his parents sold HIS bike that he paid for and kept the money it seems ridiculous to me that the government even waste their time policing mary jane the only thing they do is make it cost more, it is just as available as it was before they started the whole "war on drugs" and now millions of dollars later we have more people using weed than ever before. My friend told me that he has no intents on quiting, he just needs to be really careful, wow! the poe poes sure made a difference. Should pot be legal? what do you think? please, no preaching just honest opinions......
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Dec 21, 2001
Well, should it be legal? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Why? Because I don't want to be driving down the road and have some guy in a rig run my little ass over b/c he is too freakin' high to see straight. Should it be decriminalized ? Probably so. It is true that there are way to many people in jail because of marijuana possession. Also, I guess that a lot of our tax dollars are spent chasing kids around for smoking a dime bag. I don't think you will ever find a happy median that everyone can deal with.

One more thing : some say that marijuana is not a gateway drug. BS, it is. But wait until that gateway has been compromised to throw someone in jail for ten years.


Oct 30, 2001
Tell him not to worry too much, you can do all that stuff and much much more until your 30th birthday and still somehow become president of the country!

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
OK, here's my honest opinion----

I think, from what you said, that your friend is in for many more lessons if life.
From the sound of things he has not learned one damn thing from this one.
My honest feelings on the matter is that smoking a little dope is hardly worth tossing away everything else. As far as the "war on drugs" it needs to stepped up a few notches.
OH, and since he's 17 now, the next time the lessons might just get a little rougher, though probably still not enough.
" the poe poes" took his licence and cut off his funding. GOOD, I really like the idea of one less doped up anybody on the roads, 17 y/o or 47 y/o. And as far as funding, why should he receive funds from anywhere that will help him be an idiot!

Just my opinion though!

Peer Lovell

Nov 25, 1999
I don't know if it should be legalized, however, it certainly should be decriminalized.
Here in Canada, if you're caught with a quantity for personal consumption is an automatic ticket.
The fine is $35.00 and you drop it in the mail. No court, no nothing. Its as close to being legal as you can get.
If you have a medical condition that is helped by smoking, such as glaucoma, aids etc. you can get it by prescription from a drug store starting this summer.
I don't smoke the stuff personally, because it makes me sick. I have no problem with anyone smoking it. What really bothers me is guys who smoke it then ride dirt bikes.

The Josh

Jan 16, 2002
I can't lie I went riding when I was buzzed once and I thought it would smooth me out but instead I started tweaking, my arms pumped up to popeye proportions and I made an a$$ out of myself in front of a lot of riders I really respected, so I would say to anyone contemplating riding stoned don't!!! if you think it makes you flow better you're wrong! if you're stoned how could you possibly know how you're riding???:mad:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Legalize it NOPE, decriminalized it for small personal use sized amounts would be fine. Canada's methods seem to be pretty effective IMO. Driving while under the influance of it? Lock 'em up (just like they SHOULD with alcohol).

I think Fro' Daddy is a good example of dirt and dope not mixing. :ugg: Glad he's found a new groove.


Jun 5, 2001
I've got a 16 year old kid who can't wait until he turns 18 to move so he smoke weed! He knows if I catch him now, he's done, but what can I tell him to get it out of his mind to do that. I caught him last year and he paid the consequences hard. It seems that no matter how hard I come down on him for it, he just wants to do it more, go figure. He thinks it's cool and he's 16 so he knows everything! Help


The Josh

Jan 16, 2002
Hi Elk, you can't stop him from smoking weed but you can tell him how you feel, I'm not talking about a lecture, let him know that you really care about him and that you don't want to see him get hurt or arrested, I know that it sounds corny but tell him with loveit's the only thing that may actually help the situation , my Dad used to crack down on me so hard and I know he had good intentions but at the time it seemed like an assualt because of all the fear he had that he disguised as anger I was stupid and just kept on smoking weed until I got busted, and believe me you don't want him to get busted it will cost both of you dearly, I know in my first thread I sounded all pro-weed but I am not, I just think that it is stupid that we waste millions of dollars on the war against weed and yet it does nothing other than make weed cost more than gold, make it a dangerous underground operation, and force kids to go to fellons to get it.


Jun 5, 2001
He's pretty much promised not to touch it for now but that doesn't speak for the future. Maybe if I can keep him away from it for a while, he'll realize that he doesn't really want it. I can't punish him too much, he's my riding buddy! Thanks


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
When I was 17/18, I think I got the best lesson about drugs that I could. I worked with a real druggie and watched him stuff his life up. He'd go out to take uppers & downers all the time, (which annoyed the crap out of us when we got in trouble because of him). He went on to become famous about a year after he left - climbing over a lion's cage (in the zoo) because he got dared to (after he'd been at the pub & taking more drugs) - one of the lions obviously thought he tasted good and took off one of his legs.

All of us who knew him (some had been at the pub with him that night), just laughed when we heard his name mentioned on the radio. A while later (maybe a year or so), he was in the news yet again. He'd shot his dad with a crossbow while his dad was watching tv with his g/f. His mum apparently treated him badly, but his dad was a cool guy according to everyone who knew him.

Instead of going to prison, he got sent to a mental institution. He was released after about a year. A reporter was doing a story on homeless people in parks & came across him (only way I knew he was on the loose again) so stopped to talk to this young guy missing a leg (I guess he was in his early 20s at this stage). They figured out who he was, a song and dance was performed & he went back into another institute, but a higher security one this time.

I have no idea of where he is these days, but I'll always remember him & will not partake of drugs to this day. He started by smoking weed & just carried on.

I know of plenty of others whose lives drugs have ruined, but John's story is the one that made most of an impact on me at the stage in my life I would have started doing drugs - honestly, watching it all was enough & whenever I get tempted these days to try it, I just think of him & decide it's not worth it (I'm the type of person who probably would take it further).

As for the original story of this thread, sorry, I don't have sympathy. You make your choices & you learn to live with them. If you get caught doing something illegal, it's on your head, nobody else's. I agree, however, weed should be decriminalised (personal use only & that way we could grow some as the plants are cool) ;)


Jan 23, 2002
I don't really think weed is that bad, the whole fight on drugs needs to focus its millions of dollars elsewhere. Some people just can't control their habit. (just like alcohol, which is worse for you imo) Ever see two stoned guys get in a fight? No, thier too lazy to get up. Ever see anyone go to the E.R. for too much weed. (Not unless they burned themsleves with thier lighter) Driving stoned? you wont really cause any damage since you're only going 13mph lol :confused: Just kidding on that last one, id never drive stoned. and i dont really like the "high" that much either. I just dont think its all that bad as long as you control yourself


Do the impossible its fun
Jul 16, 2000
Weed is a gateway drug. Anyone who uses it and hasn't tried something else. Is due to. Or just got lucky. I know of a guy at work who was in his late 40s who used weed all the time. And other substances every now and then. He quit for awhile, but still does it occasionally (I know because we can tell). He had to cut back because the guy flipped out one day. Now he's turned his attention to prescription drugs, because there legal, and in some cases (he says) they give a better high. Is this what I need/ No. But if someone else wants to screw up their lives with it. Go ahead. But don't endanger mine, or my families lives by getting behind the wheel impaired. Wether your going 6mph, 60mph, or 600mph, you are impaired. That means unable to do simple tasks. And if you hurt or mame anyone I care about, it will not be a good day, for this person. That's just my outake on drugs. If your gonna do it. Stay home. Screw up your lives. And don't screw up another persons life..


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
If you use drugs, you will eventually drive under the influence. My next door neighbor was killed by a drunk. Thats to close to home. :(


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Josh, your bud screwed up, and he got pinched. Lost his ride, too bad. Since he's 17, his folks probably had to pony up for his court costs, so they should get the cash. Lost his college funding, waaah. Maybe it'll go to someone more deserving.

I don't feel one bit sorry for him. I'd feel the same for a guy who got pinched for a DWI. Too bad. You make your bed, you'd better be prepared to lie in it. The world's a tough place for those that think his way. Sounds like he's too smart for his own good. :mad:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Drugs, whether it be weed, coke or booze, are all bad news. To those who say illegal drugs should be legalized, just look at all the problems alcohol causes. Not to mention the fact that drug addicts usually turn to other illegal activities like prostitution or burglary to support their habit.

I'm sorry if you think your buddy got a raw deal, but he made his bed so now he's got to sleep in it. Over the years I've known several people who were extremely intelligent or athletically talented, but decided to piss it all away so they could get high and/or drunk all the time. It's extremely sad, but the ticket to Loserville is not a cheap one.

The Josh

Jan 16, 2002
XR when you say that the funding might go to someone more deserving do you mean someone who measures up to the standards/morals you have set up for yourself or do you mean someone who has a better gpa, more extracuricular activities, and a higher IQ?:think One of my main issues is the punishment is verrrrrrrrrrrrry counter-productive, (sarcastic tone) let's see here we have a genius on our hands he smoked weed since he was12 and we finally caught him, he is a productive human being acceling in life let's take his license and kick out of school, very smart!


Jun 5, 2001
Smoking weed does lead to toher experimenting by choice and by necessity. There's a chance that your body, and nobody knows who is vulnerable, will get addicted to it fast. You then move on to the next step and take meth or coke. Is it really worth that chance that YOUR body is the one that can't "control" it? "Controlling" usage is a joke and just clouds that fact that it is slowly breaking down what little brain cells you have. If you need weed or alcohol or something else to "mellow out" then there's a problem. How about climbing a massive dirt hill and making it to the top. Take off your helmet, sit back against a bush and take in the scenery, now that's "mellowing out".
Now having a beer or two, or three or four or..., there's nothing wrong with that as long as you don't "need" it and as long as you stay home or wherever you are. Oh well, I'm off the box, anyone else?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by The Josh
XR when you say that the funding might go to someone more deserving do you mean someone who measures up to the standards/morals you have set up for yourself or do you mean someone who has a better gpa, more extracuricular activities, and a higher IQ?
Nope, I mean someone who doesn't break the law. Or someone who at least is willing to own up to their actions and maybe change their ways.

I don't care if it goes to the dumbest goofball in the school. As long as he/she respects and obeys the law, they are more deserving.

Just because you don't agree with a law doesn't mean you can ignore it. There not called "suggestions". :debil:


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
Is there more to the story? Do you lose your license if you get caught with weed, or do you lose it because you were higher then a kite and caused an accident while driving.:think


Jun 5, 2001
Oh ya, who needs punishment, it NEVER works! Yeah right, it works for 90% of the population, the other 10% can't be changed no matter whatn anyway. I'll go with the odds thank you very much.


Apr 22, 2001
I'm glad they took his scholarship away. If he had gotten a degree he wouldn't be able to get a good job anyway. Most big companies now perform drug testing.

I had two friends that I graduated with that wouldn't put their resumes in with any of the top paying companies because they wanted to keep smoking there weed. All I could think was what a waste, All that time in school and then chose weed over an extra ten grand a year to start. They may of never got busted but it effected their futures.

You do notice I said had!
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