
Feb 14, 2002
Pivey---Do you have rats near your pool? (I'm glad to hear you let him go. Probably a beneficial snake anyway. They give us the chills, but eat lots of small rodents.)

Bold new graphics? I was thinking it was a 03 style Dunlop---great tread design! SNAKE TREDS


Mar 27, 2002
Originally posted by geremacheks
Pivey---Do you have rats near your pool? (I'm glad to hear you let him go. Probably a beneficial snake anyway.[/QUOTE
:scream: Yeah, that's a good idea! Less rats and less FAMILY MEMBERS! :eek:


Feb 14, 2002
Come on....snakes aren't really that agressive, and most are non poisionous. Well maybe if they are big enough they will take a dog or cat or two, but I don't think so. Anyway, no worse than the big coyotes that live around my place.
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Crash Master
Damn Yankees
Jan 20, 2001
a few weeks ago we were in 29 Palms (Cali) and one of the guys when to work on one of the aircraft and found a large diamond-back just hanging out *in* the jet :eek: later we found a baby sidewinder and moved it to a safer place


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
So, what is that you're holding it down with? The left-front leg of yoru walker? Cane, maybe? Either one, that's some cool looking suspension you got on it. The others at the home must be real impressed. especially the ladies, huh ;) ?

Dirty Dave

Sponsoring Member
Jul 31, 1999
A quick snake story... When I still lived in Oklahoma as a kid, I always rode my bicycle to grandads place. On this particular ride I seen a snake crossing the road and decided to skid the rear tire across it several times before riding on. Upon arrival at granddads place I bragged it up (in great detail) about the kill. His only question was "What kind was it?" I said "dead" :) He came off that porch in a rush and grabbed my arm :whiner: He said, "BOY...If that was a rattler you could be dead or real sick right now! A rattler is one of the only snakes that doesn't need to coil to strike and can strike 3/4 the length of it's body from where the rattles are." :| Needless-to-say, I never rode over a snake with a bicycle again! OK so it wasn't so quick :p
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Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2000
I don't know. We have a volunteer? One snake that I never EVER wanna see again is another Water Moccasin, they're everywhere around here. The freakin things will chase you down and gut you!!


Nov 7, 2000
They just give me the willys. I like riding in the winter much better. You don't really have to think about it. I guess they are not that bad. Plenty of bunnys for them to feed on out there. We have a camp area that had become a little messy last summer and we were doing a drive through with a truck and picking up the junk that had collected and found a few bull snakes and beleve some said a kind of king snake, but I did not see it. Both don't like rattlers. I know why they hang out arond the camp. I have seen a couple of large rats under a few trailers. I guess look for some scraps.

Yarbonwick - Another nasty creature. I used to live in Bedford when I was a kid off of Cheeksparger (sp?) and Browntrail near Colleyville. Lots of creeks to play in around there (not now). In the summer they had lots of them around there. We had big swing that went over creek in my buds back yard (in Colleyville). I did a face plant into the creek (not by choice) and it had just rained with lots of flowing water. As I was swiming out one skimed my back. I quess it had somewhere to go because it did not bit me. I was lucky.
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Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Originally posted by zio
So, what is that you're holding it down with? The left-front leg of yoru walker? Cane, maybe? Either one, that's some cool looking suspension you got on it. The others at the home must be real impressed. especially the ladies, huh ;) ?

Oh yeah, The girls were real impressed until they looked out the window just in time to see me jump 5' in the air when the little booger took a shot at me.

Five minutes later their ROTFLTAO cause I'm out there with my Alpines on, they said I looked like Elmer Fudd. Oh well, Elmer was cool :cool:

Anyhow that pole is an extention pole for painting and it's about 5" above him, I was trying to get him to pose, But this is the best I could get ( digitals are to slow )


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Apr 1, 2001
I've seen tons of Mojave Greens out here and that one looks more like a Timber Rattler to me. That's just like the one we saw on Cleghammer two weeks before the big ride.

Mojave rattlers are pale green everywhere a diamondback would be tan, and they're a tad more aggressive! :eek:


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Originally posted by ktmboy

That's just like the one we saw on Cleghammer two weeks before the big ride.

CHIT, Now you tell me, Do you know how many times I stopped to take check out the brushes :eek: :eek:


Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2000
Danman: A few years ago a water skier on Lake Ray Hubbard hit a coil of about 20 Water Maccasins that were breeding. Needless to say it wasn't a good outcome. I had one chase me up a bank at Cedar Creek when just intime I found a pointed stick about three feet long and took him out. They are VERY protective of their domocile. How was I suppose to know that meant within 2 to 3 miles!! They remind me of Black Mombas. Not even Oshea likes to mess with them. That reminds of a funny segment, so other time.


Feb 14, 2002
I was a little kid, fishing the backwaters of the Mississippi River in a Wisconsin park. Bull snakes were common. They'd swim right through the sandy roped off swimming areas in the park. A huge bull snake swam by me while I took a cast with my old spin cast reel and rod. The line and lure went over the snake and I--for whatever reason--set the hook on the snake.

I guess I was expecting a fun fight, like a northern pike on the line--but it didn't happen. That big bull turned and went straight for me on the shoreline. I couldn't drop the rod and reel fast enough. I ran up the bank and sped in the opposite direction.

Later, when the story got out, I was talked to by the park ranger. I think they had to kill the snake. He had wrapped himself and the fishing line around a tree.


May 10, 2001
The only snake that realy scared me was the black dimon-back water snake that swam next to me in a creek at our land. Holey crap that scared the he** out of me!


Apr 1, 2001
Every year about this time of year our local paper runs an article or two about the Mojave Rattler, known around these parts as the Mojave Green because of the distinctive yellow green hugh in the lighter colored areas.

These snakes are more aggresive, (if you piss one off he'll chase you!), more deadly,(they have two types of venom-the first one makes you stop breathing and you start twitching all over; the second thins out your blood and makes you bleed and swell.), and they're prolific in the desert areas of So. Cal.

An interesting side note: A Wrightwood man was bitten by a Pacific Rattler (common name-timber rattler) and because of his reaction to the bite a snake expert was speculating that the snake was possibly a hybrid-that is, a cross between a Pacific and a Mojave. :eek:

If you get bit by one anti-venin is the only remedy-these bad boys will KILL YOU if you don't get treated!

The Pacifics and the Mojaves look very similar, though most Mojaves are generally smaller. ( I did participate in the extermination of a 7'-er once though!) If and when you see a true Mojave Green you'll know, 'cause those suckers are a beautful tinge of green! :D (Kinda like a faded Kawasaki!)


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
I think maybe I'll do more track riding till Fall :D :scream:


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Yeah, that sure sounded whimpy, It will take more than snakes to keep me from riding anywhere we can.

Waiting for the next one :aj:


Oct 7, 1999
Snakes give me the willies too (though for some reason, smaller rattlers don't bug me as much as some other snakes [Cobra; water moccasin; tropical hanging snakes of any sort; water snakes]).

During our training for naval aviation they made a point of us keeping our deepest fears to ourselves -- at the time they were concerned that the Russians had some folks in our services who were long-time plants. And if the bad guys ever found out what really got to you, they'd use it on you should you ever be a POW.

Well I still don't know if I let the beans out or not about my feelings about snakes, or whether it was just dumb coincidence, but at one survival training, on about day five, when we're all worn down from hunger and sleep deprivation, an instructor strolls into our camp from out of nowhere, strides quickly to the center, and then, in one fluid motion wings a water moccosin onto my lap. Sucker was about 5 feet long -- 7 feet the way it stretched when he whipped it around by the tail and threw it at me.

I about crapped my pants. Problem was, I couldn't do what I wanted, which was to jump up, scream like a baby girl, and run into the woods, never to be seen again. Because I didn't know if my secret was out yet. So, just in case it still was secret, I certainly didn't want to give it away. So I just sat there, looked as tough / nonchalant as I could. I realized it was dead, but that gave me little comfort -- I still wanted to die at this point. Instead, I just looked at the instructor until he said "why don't you clean and cook that so we can have something to eat tonight?"

I got up, on wobbly legs, put some water on the fire, took out my knife, and taught myself how to clean a snake.

I've never let this out, but seeing as there's no chance in heck that I'll ever fly Hornets again, let me just now finally say:

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Apr 1, 2001
Years ago a bunch of us all met out at California City to ride for three days. One of my buds showed up late, so he was hitting the beers pretty heavy to try to catch up with the rest of us. He ended up passing out a little earlier than the rest of us.
Those of us who were still conscious took off that evening for a little Sidewinder hunting, and after we bagged one we posed the dead critter in the coiled position up under Mr. passed outs' bike.
The next morning as he staggered over to fuel his bike we asked him what that was by his feet. He proceeded to step back quickly, dropping his bike in the process, and then as calmly as he could, he asks, "so how long has he been dead?" :) I was ROTGLMAO! :) :whiner: :)
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