what u guys think


Jul 25, 2004
hey i am going to buy a 92 yz 250 i asked what u guys think about it any way but it has a broken shock thats all it says so i was woundering how much u guys think it would be not sure whats the probly i hope less then 700 what u think??


Dec 29, 1999
Finally someone who spells worse than me- super.

You can typicaly buy a used shock for 300-500 bucks. In most cases they will need to be rebuilt maybe another 150-250 bucks. Maybe the one on the bike you want to buy just needs to be fixed.

Dirt bikes are not a cheap hobby, be prepared to spend some dough on a 92. It will probably need al sorts of stuff fixed.

I tell young poeple ( I assume you are young) to try to convince Mom & dad to let you buy a new one so you can ride it and not wrench on it , but you will have to like get a job a and stuff....
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