whats the trick with knee pads, boots, and pants


Oct 27, 2008
Guys everytime I go riding my legs end up with out the full range of motion..

I have on fly pants with the knee guards under then my boots gerinelli (spelling?) on top of the pants/ knee guards and I pull and tug at the pants so I have slack to bend and extend my legs...heres the problem when I ride that slack seems to go away, like the pants get sucked back down into the boots, it very un-nerving as I cant move my legs around freely.

the knee guards have the shin piece on them and I don't feel it is nesesary as most of it is covered by the boots anyhow and it makes things really uncomortable in there.

untill I can find some over the boot pants on sale (and have the money) is there anything I can do??


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I am not getting how the shin guard/pants running down is limiting your range of motion? Your knees bend forward? It does seem to me that if I think ablout it, I do recall pulling the shin pads up when I sit down after riding. Hate fly pants, a lot of people like the garne? boots. Decent shin guards seems the issue to me.


Oct 27, 2008
are there any guards availible that have only the knee section? I'm tempted to cut the shin plastic off!! I don't understand why that shin piece would be there in the first place.

My problem is the pants tighten up when seated and when i go to put out my leg in a turn or to catch my self I can't extend my leg ..I don't know something is binding!!

I want over the boot pants because they seem to keep the water out of the boots better and it will solve my binding issues


Apr 18, 2006
sr5bidder said:
I'm tempted to cut the shin plastic off!! I don't understand why that shin piece would be there in the first place.

Having the shin portion clamped in your boots will go a long ways towards assuring that the knee pad is still in place on the second bounce.

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