426 Pilot

Apr 27, 2000
Does anyone know any more about Watts just giving up? I don't buy the excuse that "I just didn't feel like riding today" especially when you are winning the race. There are a lot of people that look up to this guy and just giving up is the worst thing any athlete in any sport can ever do. I guarantee he will be loosing some fans over this one.



dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I saw the reports that he just 'quit'. There has to be more to the story.

Perhaps he aggravated one of his previous injuries (knee?), and wants to keep it from the competition. Just guessing.

1999 Honda CRE 250


Apr 6, 2000
I don't know if he was winning the race... from what I saw (on TV) he got a horrible start, got tangled in the ribbon/posts... and then took off about 30 seconds behind everyone. I don't if this is right, but from what I have heard/read, it's really hard to make up that much time, even if you've got 3 hours. Like Dave said... most likely aggravated an injury. I do remember a race either this year or last year where Watts got a bad start at a really muddy race, then cut a huge section of the course (knowing he would be DQ'd) just to ride with the lead pack... He's got the mind set that either you win, or you don't race.

If you don't crash at least twice a lap, your not going fast enough!!


Feb 26, 2001
No, watts DID catch up, he was in 2nd place when he quit. Thats the amazing thing, after coming from last to second in...(i forgot how many laps), he just up and quits.....really strange


Honda 1995 XR200R


Jul 5, 2000
I can't read Shane Watts's mind or think like him, all I know is what I herd and saw at Loretta Lynn's GNCC and that was that he did get a realy bad start and that he had passes every other Pro on the corse on his 200exc by the end of the 2nd lap and that he pulled off on his 3rd lap. When John the GNCC anouncer was talking to him over the loud speaker system he said "I just didn't feel like riding today" and he also said that he might not even go to the next GNCC in Sparta KY. Like I said I don't know what he is thinking but it sounds like he might just be getting burnt out on racing or he might be trying to hide somthing, why would anybody just pull off after acomplishing such a feet? who knows. I would like to see him keep racing.




Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Here's a quote from him out of Australasian Dirt Bike (which he writes a column for as well), February issue interview: "Pretty much at the third race last year, I was abot to quit racing forever," Watts explained. "I'd put all this pressure on myself and that's when I stood back and took a good look at everything and realised that I don't need to do that. I went to the next GNCC race with a lot more of a cruisy attitude; just to try my best, have a good and see what happens. And I won there."

Further down the same article: "I'll stop racing when I stop having fun. That may be next year or in 10 years time. When it happens, I'll know! I want to set myself up so that I don't ever have to work again if I do stop racing and that's going to take probably another year or two. Then I'll be set and take it from there. I want to be in a position to do nothing if I want to do nothing."

Maybe the end is nigh? Time will tell.

Monkey Butt

Jun 1, 2000
This is the first I've heard about this possible catastrophy. Please tell me it isn't so!! I don't wish injury on anyone, but I would rather find out he was injured than a quitter. If he is quitting I hope it is for the right reasons. I can't fault him for quitting if he is burned out, but in the middle of a race??!!! There has to be more too it.

Quick, wake me up!!! I'm having a terrible nightmare.

2000 KTM 200exc
2001 TTR 125L
1971 125SL
1973 175 Harley On-Off


Sep 8, 2000
I dont know about Watts. I dont think hes to good of a guy though. Hes fast but, not to friendly. When he raced the Steel Creek GNCC, here they all came down the the local shop. They were all outside talking to one another. They all seemed to be so confident on there riding, it really wasnt cool. People were trying to ask him questions but whenever one of the guys he was around said something, his attention would go straight to him, just forgetting about the person. I just dont know about that guy.I heard some storys about what happened the night before the race with him, seems alittle brew was involved and a rumble in the basement :p. But it may have just been a rumor, who knows.

00'KDX 200
I may ROCK, but im not made of STONE.


angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
My only experience with Shane Watts was good. He actually initiated a conversation with me at the Hollister National this year. About 5 minutes before the start of the race no less. He posed for a picture with his bike and I didn't even ask him to. I've never met any off road racer who wasn't really cool to fans in general. I usually judge peoples character by how they treat people that they don't know. It's easy to be cool to your friends, but not as easy with someone you just met. I met Patrick Garrahan last year, and within 30 minutes he let try his brand new motorcycle. Very cool! I hope Shane is just temporarily burned out.



Aug 8, 1999
In his Speedvision interview after the Loretta Lynn's GNCC he said something to the effect of he had some things he needed to get sorted out in his head...

When they interviewed the 1st and 2nd place finishers right after they took their helmets off, MAN I have never seen such dirty faces! The amount of mud under the goggles from dust and sweat was unbelievable. No way it could have been fun in all that heat and dust.



Jul 15, 2000
What do you think? Maybe he wore himself out charging from last to first. I understand it was hot and other riders (including Lafferty) needed an IV treatment. He said he wasn't having fun. I don't guess it is fun to ride dehydrated, about ready to puke your guts out. They say he rode in and went and sat down, leaned against his van - sounds like he was beat to me.

GWO - y2k 300exc, 01 400exc
Oct 10, 2000
My friends and I were waiting around after the race, waiting for all the results to be posted and all the pro's had packed up and left. This was about 1 and half hours after the race and Watts was still there sitting in the back of his van (bike still under his tent not loaded) and we were talking about Watts and his finish. One of our friends that came to the race to take pictures said he was going to go ask Shane if he could take his picture, we bet him he would'nt so he went over. To my suprise Watts hoped out of his van, stood by his bike and let him take a couple pics. My friend came back and he said that when he asked Shane about getting a pic, Shane said " I feel dejected today, why not". We tried to figure out what that ment but had no clue? Maybe Shane felt dejected because of the way his fans and or fellow racers had reacted to him not finishing the race.

2001 WR250F


Sep 22, 2000
He is different then most of the other top off road guys out there. He is way more layed back and just wants to have fun. no pressure, etc. Why do you think his bikes are mostly stock and he rides with used tires? I dont think it takes is too seriously. He has all the natural talent in the world, but he is just not overly gung ho. I remember reading that he would rather go to the beach with his mechanic then have his mechanic prep his bike.

He is probably bored winning all the time :-) Maybe he did it on purpose to make the series close again.




Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2000
I for one feel that Shane has earned his keeps and when he says he doesn't feel like riding today, so be it. I've been there, I'm sure you have to. Maybe not in the middle of the race,but never-the-less. But we don't earn a living doing this. Ever feel like not working this day, or the other? Maybe it's the same for them. Riding all the time, in all sorts of enviroments, constantly on the road, bunking up at someones house or ranch (Hawkins). Though who would turn do a nights stay at the Hawkins'? And as far as rumors go, let's just keep them that way. No need to add to them or migrate them. I've always heard of great meetings with Shane. Whether it's an injury or a mental/emotional problem, I can see it and respect it either way.

Lloyd TMTC #540 - Y2K KTM 250 E/XC
Please sign my Guestbook at My Homepage
"You're fast 'cause the fast guys stayed home!!"

[This message has been edited by yarbonwick (edited 04-26-2001).]


Oct 26, 1999
At L.L., while the other pros were still riding he was walking around with his girl by our pits. He looked bummed out. They walked over an sat on a log for a while, he pretty much was just sitting there with his head hung low. After a while they walked over to some bleachers and sat ou the rest of the race. Everyone just pretty much left him alone. An older guy turned to him and said, "Shane. Mind if I ask you a question?" He just grined and softly replied, "Sure". They guy got up and walked over behind where he was sitting and they talked for a little bit. I was about ten feet away, but couldn't hear what they were saying. Shane just keep his head hung and spoke very softly. He did seem dejected to say the least.

After most of the pros had come in we left and he was still sitting there with his girl. I couldn't help to comment to my buddy that if that had been MC or RC sitting there, there would have probable been a crowd.

The man just put in one kick butt ride, even if it was short. So where were his fans?


[email protected]

I'm sorry. I thought you could ride.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I'm not a SW fan but have never met the guy either, but have total respect for his ability/talent.

Enduro8, maybe he doesn't take the GNCC series seriously (I doubt it), but don't think he hasn't sacrificed a lot to get where he is. How many of us can say we never drank before age 23? Have no social life because we're out riding/training? Don't enjoy riding because we're taking it too seriously?

He also commented (same interview) that "he wanted to focus on riding a 200 and winning every race, especially with the GNCC not having any throwaways this season."

He also says "Yeah, pretty much everything that you hear is true. I am a dumb coutry boy - but I know how to fool people". Talking about riding with bald tyres etc. (He's an instrument technician by trade).

I realise that you can't believe everything you read (hell, I've worked in the publishing industry way long enough to know that), but I also think that if they stuffed up his interview, he would have withdrawn his column & gone with someone else.

I hope he sorts himself out but he's the only one who knows what he's going through, the rest of us can only speculate. I just don't think anyone should knock him for not trying or lack of commitment. We're not walking in his shoes (or riding in his boots) ;)


Apr 6, 2000
I don't know about this whole racing thing. I was at an enduro this weekend up in Illinois... It was a sloppy mess, I'm talking bike swallowing ruts... Jeff Fredette was on minute 29, 4 guys on a minute... so as we all know, that means he was about the 116 rider to go out. He was the 8th guy to finish... Most of us know, Jeff is a GREAT rider, but when they were giving out trophy's and they announced the over-all winner like this... "And the over-all winner, as usual, Jeff Fredette" The way they said it kind of made me a little angry... it was like they disrespected him. He's given alot to the off-road world and alot of people look up to him. Shane Watts doesn't need his fans, he doesn't need all the fancy parts... all he needs is the love for racing. When that goes away, he should to... you shouldn't have to do something that you don't want to do... You guys who are calling him a quitter, and saying that that's weak... well... maybe you should wake up. Do you ever take a personal day, do you ever say, hell... I don't feel like doing that today. It really disappoints me to here the "so-called" motorcycle enthusiasts disrespecting someone who has given so much to the Off-Road world... anyway... whatever

If you don't crash at least twice a lap, your not going fast enough!!


Jan 6, 2001
I was standing there also, and I didn't look at it as disrespect for Jeff (even though he kicks butt at the FCR enduro, every year).

I looked at it in the fact that of 130 riders, only 40 or so were able to finish because of the conditions. And Jeff was the best finisher. He played the game, didn't take the shortcut (that may result in the last FCR enduro, by the way) and didn't complain about anything at the finish.

The guy who handed out the trophies has known Jeff for years and has nothing but respect for him. He was also the guy who took Jeff's card at the last check, and thanked him for staying on the trail.

I don't know a better way that Phil could have worded it that would have given more respect, without sounding phony or sarcastic....

Jeff kicked butt, as usual.

Now, as far as Watts, it could be a game he's playing with the competition (I doubt it), burnout, or personal problems.

He's a big boy, and is able to deal with the situation. If he quits, fakes out the competition, or comes back and kicks butt, it's only up to him...

I think we all wish we could help..

Max Factor

Sponsoring Member
Oct 18, 2000
Had a message on the answering machine from Shane last night.

He sounded like his usual super postive and enthusiastic self. He said he'd had a good quiet week and was heading down for the AMA Harescramble race in MO, this weekend.

From all accounts looks like he just had one of those "human" days we're all susceptible to. The bad start would not have impressed him and if conditions were so trying, that riders were having IV's post race, it sounds like his last to first charge just pushed him over the edge.

Somebody in the thread made an excellent point. This is their job. To many of us it's the dream job and lifestyle, but a jobs a job. It's day in, day out. High pressure and difficult circumstance. Sometimes it can just be a little hard to keep the focus all year.

My money is on him for a devistating win this weekend and at the next GNCC.


Sep 22, 2000

I hope nobody thinks I was disrespecting Watts or calling him a quitter....quite the opposite. I was just saying he is a kick back guy who does not sweat the details much (at least that is my observation). He just goes out and rails and smokes everyone, and he does not live the regular factory life. He just likes riding dirt bikes.

Watts is one of my favorite riders out there. It is no big deal that he DNF'd a race, everyone does it for some reason or another. There is no way he loses the GNCC seires.



Aug 22, 2000
I think he's only being himself. I think he was having an off-day and didn't have his "mojo" and so he called it quits. And I think that for the same reasons that he quit, he also he does things like run bald tires and loose chains during races. Either these reasons are those of his care-free/laidback lifestyle and attitude, or they might be a plot by shane to trick his competition. Either way, I see a link between his lack of preperation for races and his attitude to the LL GNCC race. But more importantly, who cares. He won the AMA H.S. in kohoka this weekend, and I'm sure he'll do well at the next GNCC. His tue fans( like myself) will continue to support him even if he has an off-day.
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