wheely tip

Mar 16, 2007
hey guys, dont know if anyone needed to know this or not, but I just found out. its alot easier to wheely if your in 3rd gear and pop the clutch. its harder to get the front wheel up but its easeir to keep it up. I used to wheely in 2nd gear, which is easy to get the front wheel up but hard to keep it there because its so "twitchy" :cool:


Feb 21, 2007

That's a good way to learn a power wheelie, but really try to tune in your riding with a balance wheelie. It will help you gain confidence on your bike and give you a better understanding of your balance points. Find a soft grass field and just pop your clutch in first gear and never shift into second. Once you get to your balance point you will just feather the throttle a little here and there to stay at that point. The torque of the bike in first gear will bring your front down quickly if you feel you're going over backwards by just letting off the throttle. It will spook you a few times but you will be going slow and if you go down, it's not bad at all.


Nov 27, 2006
about a week or two after i broke my tailbone i was out riding and i tried a wheelie. of course this is the time when i fall off backwards. :bang: i layed there for like 5 min. just holding my butt and groaning.
May 10, 2007
my friend was doing a wheelie on his kx250 and started fall off the back so he like jumped off. though he didnt really get off and he kinda ended up standing over the rear fender of the bike as it came up from the front wheel coming down. as you can guess the fender went into a very sensitive area. he then went chasing after the bike. which went like 20 more feet. he took 5 steps and crumpled to the ground. took him a little while to feel that. took it a little while longer to not feel it.


Aug 4, 2007
yeah what i do is just coast along in first and hit band and pull up, it wont go up much that time but the second time you rev and pull up it lofts up easy, and you can keep the balance on to.
off topic, but the other day i was riding my mtb on the path next to the main road and showing off infront of my mates lol, and i was monoing and i got it up to high and i went to hit the back brakes but they didnt work so i fell right on my ass on the main road... talk about embarassing lol


Dec 4, 2007
what i did with my supermotard was pop the clutch in 2nd gear and ride that one out and shift into 3rd that way you can control your bike better and lets you ride your wheely almost forever


Nov 21, 2007
i find it easier to compress my front fork and then give the throttle a little pull it as you compress and add throttle as the front fork uncompress its easy to bring the front up with that motion. It easy in first or second gear. Stand in the center of the bike keep you foot ready to hit the back brake as soon as the front comes up to high.


Dec 4, 2007
compressing your front suspention is also effective but with a 450 four stroke you dont realy need it unless your riding at high speeds then i compress my front suspention and pull the handle bars till its on his back wheel


May 14, 2007
The higher the gear, the faster the wheelie, the harder you'll crash. I learned to wheelie on streetbikes and it's smoother in higher gears but a lot safer at low gear/speeds. Try standup wheelies, it's easier to keep it balanced because you can lean off the back of the bike and balance it with the front wheel lower than normal. I can ride standups pretty far on my cr250 using the clutch in 2nd gear.


Test It!!!
Mar 25, 2007
i think 450s are cheater bikes when it comes to wheelies, usually i pull up in 2nd gear and shift on up to 5th and wheelie till there's no more road, but that 450 will pull up into a wheelie straight from 5th gear if i compress the front and can it. its one sweet bike :)


Dec 22, 2007
yeah thanx dude tried it today : dont try pop it in third pop it in 2nd then change to 3rd it works alot more effectively.much respect dude jackfox
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