
Feb 26, 2001
To make the story short, someone stole, with the intent to give back, and wrecked my XR200 dirtbike. They are giving me 2000 for it and I am seriously looking at getting a KTM. I will either get a brand new KTM MXC or EXC or a Kawasaki KDX. I mainly trail ride but do jumps and MX like stunts as well. The XR200 was my first bike, and I really think i want a 2 stroke. I have a craving for that raw power with a 2 stroker.

My question is....which KTM for me? Or should i just get a KDX for that matter. I am looking at the KTM MXC and EXC 200. I am about 5'9", 200 lbs, and a little experience under my belt. I am definitely buying brand new, im tired of messing with used bikes, I would rather KNOW that the new bike is in fact new instead of buying one for 1000 cheaper that is "almost" BRAND NEW. Anyways, im kinda curious as to which one i should get for mainly trail riding with MX capable gearing/suspension.

thx all
XRstroker (no XR any longer though =[ )

Honda 1995 XR200R

Fast Frank 1

Oct 31, 2000
New to Euro Bikes justed picked-up a 99 KTM 300 EXC I'am 200 Lbs with gear bike is all I need. If you have the Cash look into the Gas Gas either 250-300 Enduro motor in the sx frame they can mix and match for ya. Now you can trail ride and have the suspension for the jumps and MX.

99 KTM-300EXC
99 TTR-250
98 YZ-250
80 YZ-250
73 Elsinore
73 MT 125
Yam 80
Hon 50
It's all just relevant.


Mar 12, 2000
What the hell, just go for the 520. You might find it kind of slow after coming off that XR200 but with time you'll get used to it!!



Apr 8, 2001
I just got a New KTM 200EXC last month. It is replacing a xr250. I was going to get a kdx but I went with the KTM because it is ready to go and no mods needed... I love this bike, it is has all the bottom end you are use to and then screams on the middle and top... You will love it!

2001 KTM 200EXC,
XR250L and XT350


Dec 5, 2000
I came off of a KDX 220 and now I am on a 200 MX/C. I like the 200 MX/C a whole lot better. If you go with the KDX plan on spending at least 800.00 to get it up to speed. And even then it won't be the bike that the KTM is straight from the factory.

Good luck which ever way you decide,

It's not how fast you can go but how much fun you have!


Feb 26, 2001
What is the real difference between the MXC and the EXC? And which one would be better for harescramble races and a little MX, the MXC or the EXC? I looked on their site but they really didn't have any information except teh techincal stuff, and id like to know from a personal experience.


Honda 1995 XR200R


Apr 8, 2001
The EXC and the MXC are Really Really Close.... I go the Exc because here in Oregon we have every riding condition you can think of. One week I will be riding in the woods where I hardly get out of third and the next weekend I will be on the high desert hardly running below 5 and 6th. Now back to the bikes, the exc has a wide ratio transmistion and a light. The MXC didn't have the gears for me....

This subject has been covered a few times you might search for it and see what you can find...

2001 KTM 200EXC,
XR250L and XT350


Dec 13, 2000
I beleive the KDX is a lot cheaper, but the goodies that come on the KTM is first rate.
You will spend the bucks to change all the parts on the kawie like chain, sprokets, handlebars, perhaps a steering stablizer is in your distant future with fat bars, well you wont have to change the top claimps on the KTM, check out the wheels on the two bikes, guess who's got the better rims ?
The KDX is alot heavier too. Lets not forget the suspension, like above the KDX will need alot of work to go fast on esp. if you go do some MX. Quik release side panels, lots of options from KTM as well that you can do to the bike, tanks, gearing,. ext
I have had a KDX before and I did like it to a certain point, when things got alittle faster the bike got a littler more harder to ride. A freind has one still with a modified suspension from White Bros., I think it handles worse now. (like a slow old 250)
Ive never tried a GasGas 200, alot of riders really like them. Just might be harder to get parts than a KTM.

01 YZ250F
92 KX250, adios amigo!


May 17, 2000
Many of us have gone from an XR to the KDX then to the KTM. Maybe you should skip the middle part and jump to the KTM. I switched and never looked back. I went to a 300 EXC. Great power, loads of fun. It is a little much in a race, but a blast on the trails. The power difference between your XR and the KTM is going to be like night and day. Go for it and you will never regret it.

MXC is more for motorcross and the EXC is more for Enduros. EXC has a headlight and tail light and a different ratio tranny. Same motor, same look (except the lights) same feel.

'96 KTM 300 EX/C


Jan 15, 2001
Go for the kTm, spend alittle up front ro save in the long run. 200 m/xc sounds like the bike your looking for. If you trail ride 50% and mx 50% you will want to go for the m/xc. If you trail ride 90% of the time and the remainder of the time is on the mx track go with the e/xc. Tranny ratio is a bit tighter on the m/xc for courses and the e/xc is wider for the trails. Also m/xc no lights but doese have a lighting coil, and e/xc has lights in place. Good luck with the big decision.



Feb 26, 2001
Heh, one more question.....anyone got a 97 or newer KTM 200 MXC for sale? =]
Preferably in the Tenn/Kentucky area

although i wouldn't mind driving a while to get a good deal


Honda 1995 XR200R


Dec 5, 2000
XR! Do I have a deal for you. How about this bike? It is a 98 KTM 200 EX/C. It has Mich. S-12 tires front and rear, new plastic, K-Style graphics, pro taper bars, E.E. bark busters with guards, E.E. easy pull clutch lever, skid plate, clutch guard and I believe it has a carbon fiber pipe guard. I'm not sure on that one. This bike belongs to a friend of mine. He wants $2800.00 for the bike. I can guarrantee you it is in great shape. I know this owner, the orig. owner and where it was bought. And it gets better. The bike is located in Clinton, TN near Knoxville. If you are interested e-mail me at [email protected]. I know it is not a MX/C but it isn't $5100.00 plus tax either.

Good luck what ever way you go. You will love a KTM.


It's not how fast you can go but how much fun you have!
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