Oct 12, 2023
I recently bought my first bike, a gasgas ec 125, and i was looking for some information about what oil to use. It says in the manual that I need sae 10w30 but i have gear oil 75w-140 just sitting. Would it be fine to use this oil or do i need to buy a new one, if so would it be fine to use 10w30 motoroil?


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
It's been awhile since I have ridden but there are a lot of discussions on oil in the forum and if you do a search you will find more information than you ever would imagine. Pay special attention to Rich Rohrich's replies because if anyone has actually done research on this stuff it is him.

There are many oils that work well so you do not need to buy the expensive stuff.

In my 2-stroke I used Mobil 1 ATF in my crank case. In my 4-strokes I used Mobil 1 15w50 and have had great results with engine life.
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