Who is apart of the no insurance club?

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Jul 13, 2008
I'm just wondering how many of y'all ride without health insurance and how long. I haven't had insurance for about a year now. Today I scratched my arm up a little bit from a wheelie crash and my mom said she doesn't want me riding anymore (until I get insurance of course). She thinks I'm going to break my arm or leg which I know could very well happen. I know it's stupid on my part but I told her fat chance. Before you all start flaming me saying I'm a dumb kid,

1)I'm 19 and in college

2)I think I'm bulletproof what do you expect

3)I already know I'm a dumb kid :)


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Hey, if you know the risks, and are willing to take then regardless, who are we to tell you to stop.

I know plenty of people who ride without insurance. It's certainly not the best idea, but you have to ride within your ability (ability to ride, and ability to support yourself injured).


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
gabe19 said:
. Before you all start flaming me saying I'm a dumb kid.

It seems like the only point in inquiring is to be flamed. I can't imagine any good could come of a post like this.

Your point in posting this inquiry is what exactly?? Seems to me to be a personal matter- like how much you have in your checking account, your sexual preferences, and how often you see the dentist.
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