
Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
How many of you got back into riding again after riding as a kid and hanging it up? I've noticed that it seems like the vet and senior classes make up a big part of the field at a lot of events. I'm just curious how many people have been riding for 25 years, and how many are on their second act.

In my case I completely lived for dirt bikes from about 12 to 17. Delivered papers before school for a year and a half to buy my first one, a Hodaka Dirt Squirt. :yeehaw: Must have put about 1,000 hours on that toaster, and could not break it. Then I got a street bike and a car and dirt bikes kinda faded away. Fast forward about 25 years and my 12 year old son wants to get a dirt bike. And about every day since then I've kicked myself for every getting away from this sport.

One things for sure, getting fast was a whole lot easier when I was unbreakable. :laugh:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Count me as one of that group.


Jan 17, 2001
Same here. I rode from when I was 14 till I was 20-21, then I sold it all and got a jetski because Long Island, NY saw fit to eliminate dirt bikes from anywhere they could. Then I moved. I got back into MX, never wanting to really leave it in the first place, in 1998, when I was 29 in the lovely state of North Carolina.


Feb 19, 2002
I've been back riding for the last 2 years and really more than I had before. I quit in 1989 after meeting my wife, starting a family, a business, kids, etc. I have a great place to ride and since the younger nephews and my daughter are getting involved, the fever has been building. I bought a 93 Husky 360 before winter and got it ready for riding but after a chadwick trip last month, blown fork seals. I don't know how to replace myself and the forks have been sitting at the bike shop for the 4th week waiting for repair. I keep hearing that it should be any day now before they are done. This part sucks. Now that I know I'm back in, I keep thinking I should get a newer bike and be done with all the wrenching and down time. I can't get over the change in pricing. I really have liked that 93 360. It seems plenty upgraded compared to the bikes from the 80's. I've ridden some newer yz's, cr's and yzf's. I really didn't notice much difference between the 93 and current bikes except the fact that they are being ridden and mine is sitting in the garage. Since our property is mostly woods, I am always tempted by the newer ktms. Never rode one though.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
I took a 15 year break and got back into it when I was 34.

I used to be FAST. What happened? :confused:


Freedom Ain't Free
Jul 3, 1999
Eleven to fifteen, I think or remember I was a really fast kid, I had like 31 troofee's or something like that before the insurance company told my dad no more :ugg:

Fast forward 21 years, I go two troofee's and a messed up collarbone....... :laugh:
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Pvt Joker

Apr 29, 2002
Got a Taco minibike at 8, raced an Indian 70cc 2 stroke from about 9-11, inherited my dad's '72 TS125 suzuki and rode it until about 14 before things just dropped off.

Fast forward about 25 years and started riding again at 38... that was almost 3 years ago.

I don't think I'm gonna stop this time. :yeehaw:


May 20, 2001
I rode from 13 to 15 yo. when I realised I was never going to make it, being too big. Got my trophies from football and started riding again at 23 (now 27).


Nov 17, 2000
I quit between the age of 38 and 43! Took up barefooting and slaloom skiing because it seemed safer :) :laugh:


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
I stopped riding in the dirt for 26 years, and then 2 years ago I got my new Harley, after a 14 year hiatus. Next was to get my son a bike, because I had 'em as a kid. Well chasing him around as he learned was too much for this old man so off I go and get a dirt bike for myself. Now Gomer, Ivan and these southern spodes got me a racing again. So yea I'm a second act. No curtain call though.


Oct 31, 2001
Man these stories sound all too familiar. I started and ended riding on a 72 Hodaka , Combat Wombat, with the old chromed tank. Of course between the ages of 10-13 I was unbreakable. Fast forward from not being on a bike for over 26 years and I still wonder why I ever left. To this day I thank the kids for wanting bikes and pushing me to get back into riding. Only difference now is that Im not so unbreakable.


Mar 24, 2002
My story is pretty much the same as everyone else. Bought a Kawasaki play bike that I don't even remember what it was, it was similar to the XR's in the early 70's. I was around 14 at the time, went to a Maico 125 and then to Honda CR's every two years until 1989 when I bought a YZ125. Got married in Jan 90 and had two kids in late 90 and 93. Got back into it in 2002 when my boys were old enough.

I have wondered many times how much the Major league sports teams have to do with this resurgence in the sport. I am 41 years old and when I grew up my father and most fathers I knew took their kids to ball games, that was the big thing to do with your kid. I knew of very few kids who had motorcycles and their fathers had them also, it was normally the kids and the dads helping out tinkering. With the cost of going to ball games and overall drop in attendance as a result I personally think they are really hurting themselves. Baseball for instance, has completely lost it's fan base and when these young kids grow up they won't have any fan base at all, period.

I'm just glad my kids like motorcycles and the wife tolerates it.


Jan 13, 2003
If your wife won't tolerate d/biking-find a new wife!! It worked for me. Im 44 yr's now,I rode d/bikes as a kid (11-15 yr's ),then quit when I got a car/girlfriend. I got married young,and when that didn't work out,my friends got me back into d/biking at 22yr's old.I love it!!! Now my 2nd wife rides as well as my oldest son.my young boy (11 yr's) old say's he will try it this yr. Im on a GasGas EC 300 enduro bike now , it's the best xcountry bike i've ever been on!!!


May 21, 2001
If you could do it again, would you take the time off? Is it good to change your interests for like 15 or 20 years in the middle of your life?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by taraker
Eleven to fifteen, I think or remember I was a really FAT kid, I had like 31 truffles or something like that before the insurance company told my dad no more :ugg:

Fast forward 21 years, I go two troofee's and a messed up collarbone....... but I'm still a FAT kid at heart :laugh:



Oct 7, 2001
I rode from about 8 to 17, then quit until about 2 years ago. I am now 38, so that was quite a layoff. I wish i would never have quit, just like the rest of you.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Lets see, im a 2nd act HA!! At 16, bought a yamaha 175 enduro, then a 79 yz400, then a 89 yz250 when i was about 22.. Then hurt my back, got heavily into jetskis and racing them ( ihelped out, didnt actually race myself) then at 33 bought my 01kx250.. I think i'm faster now..


Big Pig
Nov 20, 2000
lost in the deserts of NM
Guess i'm "leftovers" too. :confused:
Rode dirt from age 9 till about 18 or so.
Got hooked on streeters and (YIKES) cars.
(CM400T, SECA XJ750.)
Then along came wifey, and the bikes had to go. :(
It was worth it though, in an odd hard to explain way.
After Jr got a bit older (about 10 years), and the finances cleared up a bit, the bug bit me again.
Told wifey mebbe something street legal to save GAS MONEY getting to work.
(heh heh)
Went out lookin for a small 200 / 350 enduro ("dualsport" to yuns kids out there) and came back with a 500cc mastodon. :eek:
Biggest dirtbike i ever owned.
2nd biggest BIKE i ever owned.
Figured i'd hate it offroad but it'd be easier on the street.
Heck this was great! What a mountainclimber! Couldnt figure why i stayed on sub 250cc machines before.
($$$ probably.)
Lookin forward to picking up a new (or new to me anywhos) XR650R this spring. :)
"BigBlocks" rule!!!! :thumb:


Aug 1, 2001
Waving my hand in the 2nd act crowd. Had a 79 KDX 400 in high school. Rode the crap outta that sucker. Went off to college and the Marines with a street bike and been on the street for the last 20 years. Got the dirt bug again when I was forced into a new job and another co-worker had Dirtrider laying all over the place.

Since I always felt that KDX 400 was under powered, I decided to go for something bigger. Little did I know about the advances in engine design and power output in the last 20 years. That KX 500 is a monster! Since I hadn't ridden in the dirt for 20 years, it was like learning all over again though. So, I just learned to ride it and I LOVE it!


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I'm not only a 2nd act rider but I'm also a 2nd rate... wait probably more like a 10002 rate rider.

I'm watching the 1998 Charlotte SX right now. It was my first SX (I was all of 26) and it brought back my love for the bikes. My favorite rider Doug Henry showed a lot of heart that night.

I'm gonna keep that tape for a long long time.



AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
I rode and raced starting in 3rd grade and tapering off towards the end of High School.  I didn't swing a leg over a bike for another 20 years.   The changes in technology were freakin unbelievable! :)

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Nope, never got away from riding and racing. Started riding in '65. Started racing in '67. First trophy in '71. Last trophy in '01.

When I got married; the wife started riding.

Got kids now, and they have bikes.

Lifetime SERA member.

35 year AMA member.

22 years with Louisiana Trailriders.

Sometimes I think it is getting pretty old, especially now with age creeping up on me, but I will most likely keep on for another 20 years or so.

And hey Okie; please turn my "subscriber" thing back on!


Jul 7, 2000
Hmm lets see. Raced for ten years then fell victim to the Lechien syndrome, never met a beer or party I didn't like. Ten years later and seventy pounds heavier I have returned. Now that I can afford all the trick stuff I don't need it. But it makes finishing back in the pack more bearable.


Dec 31, 1969
That's good stuff MXN4FUN :thumb:


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I took a few years off to breed and eat.
Now I just eat, so I have time to ride.
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