why isnt there a lot of postings in forums?


May 30, 2002
first off i am not talking smack on dirtrider.net, i love this place and spend a lot of time here but the is one thing i have noticed is that puzzles me and it how there isnt a lot of activity in the forums. i am a member of a few other message boards that have less than 10,000 members and there is a lot more threads being posted and responces to the treads. im not trying to offend anyone here this is just something i noticed, with 30,000 members i just figured there would be a lot more people posting threads and a lot more people responding to threads.


May 30, 2002
i guess i should apologize, i should have kept my mouth shut, it sounds like im going to offended some people which wasnt what i had in mind. i just thought for having almost 30,000 members there would be more activity in the forums thats all. i really like this place a lot though, i visit this place probably 5 times a day maybe more. anyway, im sorry.


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Most of us are out riding since its the riding season. The weekends are the slowest, not to mention a Holiday weekend. Didnt ride today because of all the rain but alteast we had good weather for Steel City's race yesterday. :cool:

Hey Rat! I saved you a spot in line but didnt see your Caddy! :)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Value is in quality not quanity.


May 30, 2002
i was at the steel city race too, i was glad the weather was nice. i was supposed to go today to watch my friend race since they called off the amature race saturday, i dont know if they were cancled today too cause of the rain or not.

Flying Scot

Oct 13, 2002
Some of us enjoy the forum and the knowledge that we gleam. But until we are certain of our subject will not post a reply in respect and knowledge that another member who knows the subject matter will answer in time. Remember 30,000 ( by Tuesday  night ) means a lot of learners and not many professors to teach. Become a Support member and you can use the search function which will answer 95% of your questions.

Good luck and remember - The truth is out there ! :laugh:


Aug 25, 2000
I for one spend a lot more time reading posts and learning things from questions other people have asked rather than asking the same question someone else has asked many times over.

The search function works wonders.  ;)


Jul 1, 2000
Kind of ot question for you guys, but while driving home from ride weekend was behind convoy of tomato hauler semis on highway 5. What keeps all those tomatoes stacked perfectly in heap on truckbed from rolling off and splattering our windshields?


Jan 5, 2002
I wish there were fewer posts sometimes! It seems like I spend at least 2 hours a day trying to catch up! And I don't read them ALL!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by Bet On Red
i would post more... but i'm limited to 2 posts a day.

Thank goodness for small favors. :yeehaw:


Dec 31, 1969
Humm... good question.

I'll offer a couple of thoughts.

1) It's summer. DRN is slower in the summer months, while a lot of other boards seem to be more active in the summer. Go figure? I suppose that since the forums are not focused on discussing things like the sport, ie; MX/SX gossip, etc., that would make sense? I could be wrong. DRN'ers tend to ride rather than post in season.

2) We average (over 12 months) 800 or so posts per day. Too much reading for me as it is.

3) We limit the number of posts non-subscribers can make each day... it's really cut down on the useless drivel (and post count) that used to clog the board. That's not to say that non-subscribers don't have good things to say or good questions to ask, that's just saying that when folks know they can only post twice a day, they tend to keep the two word sentence or basic BS replies to a minimum.

4) We aren't about how many posts we can log each day, we are about good quality members, making good quality contributions. I'll put DRN against ANY forum on the web for quality content and "community". The "good deeds", the charities we support, the helping hand given to other members is unmatched. End of story.

5) The dreaded Chat Room set up for the DRN STM's also cut the post count much more than I would have thought... several thousand lines of chat each day, lol.

Yes, the number of members since 1999 surprises me, but really makes no difference, nor do the number of posts, the quality of the community is what counts and what makes DRN what it is. You can't make it, you can't buy it... sometimes it just happens. In this case it did.

50% of the membership has or does post. 7,800 members have posted in the last 4 months. The other 50%? I suppose they read, learn and enjoy. Some join to ask one question. Some come and then go, who knows why. Some dislike the way this board is run and go elsewhere... it's all good. 160,000 distinct users visit the site each month and there are still only 30,000 members. Who knows? Know someone that runs a forum like this and has all the answers? I'd like to discuss it with them.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Fremontguy- loogies. They pick a tomato, hock a loogie on it and toss it in the pile. At least that's what I do when I knock a few apples off the pile at Safeway. It's damn near impossible to get them to stay otherwise.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Originally posted by Okiewan

4) We aren't about how many posts we can log each day, we are about good quality members, making good quality contributions. I'll put DRN against ANY forum on the web for quality content and "community". The "good deeds", the charities we support, the helping hand given to other members is unmatched. End of story.

Yes, the number of members since 1999 surprises me, but really makes no difference, nor do the number of posts, the quality of the community is what counts and what makes DRN what it is. You can't make it, you can't buy it... sometimes it just happens. In this case it did. 

DirtWeek is only one example and all you have to do is show up to see.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I also suspect that a large number of the posts your not seeing are in areas that you can't access. Membership has it's advantages.

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
Ya see Tree Jumper the nice thing about driving a Deville is you never have to wait in line you just go straight to the front. You like the Caddy don't ya. That was a rental, I drive a van every day. I wish we could have made Steel City this year it sounds like it was a great race.


Jul 1, 2000
Ahh, loogies. That tomato question has been really bugging me. Zio dude your smarter then Ask Jeeves.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
I dont know what other boards you are talking about but my guess is the answer is as simple as this. Those boards have around 10 forums so they all seem to be very busy. DRN has somewhere around 50 separate forums, the posts are spread out over a much larger area.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Originally posted by MrLuckey
Those boards have around 10 forums so they all seem to be very busy. DRN has somewhere around 50 separate forums, the posts are spread out over a much larger area.

Dilution?  Is the Solution to Post Pollution? ;)

When I'm out riding on the weekend I always look forward to reading posts after being gone for a few days but the boards do seem somewhat slow until Monday morning again.

Speaking of post pollution reduction, I will be on vacation the week of September 8th and will not have access to a computer.............that should help this little DRN environmental issue...just doing my part!


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