why waste the money?


Dec 30, 2003
Yah...why waste the money on riding boots? I will just use my regular workboots and spend the $100-150 on something else. WRONG!!

Now I have a nice 6 stitch gash in my shin,and won't be riding for a few weeks. It took 10 years of riding to happen...but it happened. Do yourself a favor. If you are like I used to be,and think riding boots are optional, go buy a pair and save yourself the $50 copay at the emergency room. It might not happen every ride,but if I had riding boots on I would only have a bruise from the rock, not the frankenstein starter kit.


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002
Back when I started riding I bought a brand new '90 XT350 and the shop through in a cheap offroad helmet. I bought a pair of MX gloves and some steel toed work boots and off I went. Rode that way for 2-3 years before I sold it and bought a quad, a better mx helmet and riding boots. Looking back, I was fortunate to have never seriously injured myself. Three years ago when I bought my KDX, I invested in all the safety gear I could. I ride with a different group of guys now and that, along with age played a big part in me smartening up. I equate my current riding gear to my hockey gear. Always plan for the crash. I now have a pair of SIDI flex forces and they are the best boots I have ever worn. Heal up and ride safe.


Oct 31, 2002
When I first started riding with boots, I couldn't hardly stand them. I couldn't feel the gear lever or brake lever and they just felt awkward. After a short period of time, I realized my feet knew exactly where the levers were and I didn't need or want to feel anything with my feet. Riding boots have saved my feet, ankles and shins from countless injuries. Now I can't even start my bike without boots on. My feet are too tender! :(

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
30 years ago I bought my first bike and my first pair of alpinestar High point. The boots are still being used by my son and look ok! Time to buy JR a new pair of boots and put away the high point. I wish my dirt bikes lasted that long.


Jul 26, 1999
Two weeks agon in a race, I caught the toe of my alpinestars on a stump. My foot was fine, but it was a hard enough blow to break a few toes had I not been wearing the proper equipment.

When i was in high school, other neighbor hood kids made fun of my chest protector. But, I had already had one trip to the ER, that could have been prevented with proper saftety equipment. Now days, I look like a damn storm trooper. :)

I just got a cool new under armour to wear in place of my chest protector. The back plats in this thing look like a ninja turtles suit. And, it has integrated kidney belt. Here's a pic:
(BTW, that's not me in the pic, it's off their website)


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Danny Stein

Nov 12, 2002
I was in the same place a year ago why bother with riding boots, the steel toe work boots are fine right. No, a riding buddy of mine had some boots ( Brand New) Fox. Untill I rode with them they make you ride the way your supposed to. Keeps your ankle all secure etc. Going through big mud holes fly right through them now. Boots and Chest protector and a camelbak pak never get left behind. I was that guy on the trail with sweat pants and a t-shirt with work boots. Not anymore the pants, jersey, chest protector, boots, gloves, etc. are the name of the game. I have no idea how I would ride 100-120 miles a weekend with sweat pants. The riding pants have padding everywhere you need them. In the tailbone area especially. Grab some cheap gear and you'll never look back. Trust me, just a word of advice.


May 23, 2004
20 years ago I used to ride MX, and always wore the complete gear incl. great boots. But, like many of us do, I was just taking her out for a quick 3 minute ride to check out a few adjustments I had made with the carb and I got my foot (workboot) caught on a dead-head and snapped my ankle in 7 places! It was dangling like a twist-tie...... Now, that did 2 things: robbed me of a few years of riding, and, made me ALWAYS wear "real" boots!


Sep 28, 2002
Racing a very rocky enduro last weekend with a lot of foot dabs, I ran over my own toes with the REAR tire. Twice! :think: Good thing I had MX boots on.

Time for shorter legs or a taller bike.


Mar 12, 2004
go buy a chest protecterj

I am reading all these remarks about boots etc, as a funeral Director let me tell you about chest protectors, we has a case last year of a 17 year old riding with his buddies who was going over the crest of a hill and pierced his chest with a branch, it was a fluke accident but had he been wearing a chest protector , the chances of it piercing his heart as it did would have greatly reduced, it always amazes me how many people you see wearing shorts etc on bikes, its a dangerous sport and the money is well spent on chest protectors :clue: , boots , helmet etc is a small price to pay compared to your life, think about it


Oct 3, 2002
Lower legs and feet are probably the most likely body parts to get injured in a crash. Riding boots and a helmet are a MUST at my house. Always have been.

My little tag along has learned to wear a chest protector by following daddy on his KX500. It tosses up a substantial roost. :)


May 23, 2004
Well, a dead head is a cut off tree,, hiding in the grass - not a greatful dead music fan hehehe. The small diameter trees srumps are just as brital when you are riding. Caught my toe and ripped my foot downwards. oooooouuuuch! Play safe eh? :)
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Feb 23, 2004
Growing up riding I never had "real" boots. But when I bought my kdx in 2000 I bought a pair of alpinestar tech 6's and love em. I dont know how I rode without them.


Sep 2, 2002
Had I known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.


Dec 22, 2003
I used to ride in some of those cheap black rubber boots that I call my" Chicken Plant Worker" boots. I rode with them for a while until a rock sticking out of the ground nearly broke my foot so I figured it was time to pull out my dads Alpinestars. He used them when he rode his 1980 KDX400.

John Harris

Apr 15, 2002
Anytime I ever tried to ride in workboots, I messed up my shins on the foot pegs. Ride in riding boots, they are usually available for a reasonable sum from that famous auction site. Am I the only one that falls enough to wear knee pads? My knees and rocks just do not get along well without good padding between them! Cover up and ride safe.


Mar 3, 2003
I have Progrip goggles, Padtech shoulder pads, EVS elbow guards and wrist braces, Fox helmet, pants, gloves, knee guards, boots and armour. I am still going shopping list includes, Knee braces, kidney belt, neck collar and hip protectors. You can never have to much saftey equiptment. I broke collarbone, both wrists, 6 bones in left foot and 3 in the right one before I woke up and bought all my gear. Then that gear was left at the car wash by my mate DOH, I bought all new gear which I then lost in a fire after wearing it all of 3 times. Thats life though I guess. This gear is not leaving my sight....EVER. Like it has probably been said a million times, Dress for the crash and not the ride !!! There is rarely a ride when I dont thank myself for buying safety gear.


Oct 31, 2002
John Harris said:
Am I the only one that falls enough to wear knee pads? My knees and rocks just do not get along well without good padding between them!
Nope I learned that lesson a long time ago when i cracked my kneecap on a rock. It still hurts sometimes.

John Harris said:
they are usually available for a reasonable sum from that famous auction site
Bob's usually has some great deals on closeouts too, if you can get your size.


Feb 13, 2004
Good discussion, everyone. In my teens, I had an RM125 and wore a pair of Hi Point boots and MX pants. Went without a motorcycle for "decades" and now have a 2002 Yamaha XT225 (dual sport) that I ride on side streets near my home. I live in southeast Michigan, so there are few riding areas less than several hundred miles away. I am going to ride some dual sport events up north this summer, and I was just going to wear my tan work boots, but you folks have really got me thinking about some real boots. On a related subject, I would like to ask about riding pants and knee pads. In the “old” days, most riding pants included knee pads (my pair had padding and plastic knee protectors that slid into zippered compartments in the knee area). All of the modern riding pants that I have looked at have minimal knee protection. Do you wear knee/shin pads (preferred brand?) under the riding pants, and are they comfortable? By the way, what is the deal these days with the rolling billboard approach to apparel (logos all over the place)? What ever happened to plain, solid color riding pants and jerseys? Thanks for helping to bring me up to date on modern technology . . .


Oct 31, 2002
Just be glad you missed the riding 'gear' of the early 90's :yikes:
Some pants still come with knee/shin guards I think, but they are not good quality and will slide down into your boots. I use a pair of Moose knee guards as they have a lip that fits on top of the boot that prevents them from sliding down. They are vented and very comfortable. There are many good ones out there and different people have their preferences.
You can still buy some of the plain looking pants and jerseys, just look around a bit. www.DennisKirk.com usually has a wide selection if you want to pay retail. But I recommend www.bobscycle.com. They usually have some great closeout deals and also the famous action site will have some pretty good deals as well. Good luck and ride safe! :aj:
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