

May 13, 2004
Has anyone ridden Wildomar lately? I heard there were going to be some improvements... Is it any better? Or worse? I know it's small, but it's okay for a quick ride. I'm going to go tomorrow and sort out some jetting issues.


May 13, 2004
Had a great ride today at Wildomar. I was the only person out there. It was very nice to ride without being warped by other riders. I know Wildomar is not the place to ride on weekends becuase of all the trail crossings, but by myself it was great. I got to work on some skills and have a good time for a few hours. It worked out good too because my buddy couldn't make it so I was solo and up there I had good cell phone reception everywhere. All in all, not an epic riding area like some of the local desert spots, but for being 45 miles from home, it's not bad.
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