Workday at the 500


Sep 10, 2001
Workdays are this Sat. and Sunday, I'm gonna go work Sat., anyone else gonna be able to make it?


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Saturday is a work day for me on a different project(got volunteered). I would LOVE to ride somewhere Sunday. Maybe,...........?


Sep 10, 2001
Well, if we get the trails really sweet on Saturday, who better to ride them on Sunday?


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I'm going racing. I'll be there through the week to work with Chuck.


Sep 10, 2001
justql said:
I'm going racing. I'll be there through the week to work with Chuck.
You have fun racing, no one can EVER say Justin doesn't do his share! :worship:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Through the week? Monday, maybe? Friday? OKKX'r, my Sat. plans may have changed, I'll know in the A.M. I may make it for the work day.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
You not racing Brian? We've got rrom in the tailgator. Looks likes it Quint , Craig, Lorin and myself in it.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
:thumb: Great trails. Weather was a little cool. My masterlink only wanted to ride 35 or so miles so my ride was a little short of a full race but still a good weekend. My son rode his first super short. He rode very conservatively and finished 7th out of 13. They threw out the second check due to a course error. If that check had been left he would've been 4th. Oh well, he had fun. He said he thought it would be harder. I told him to ride about 80% of full speed, I think he rode more like 60%, but he knows he can do it and will be back for more I'm sure. :)

I'll let Lorin and Criag tell about thier day. I think they have some good stories as well. :laugh:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Inquiring minds want to know!?!?!?!


Jun 25, 1999
I managed to finish the enduro, but no chances of a trophy. I rode fairly well through the first loop, dropping 15 points. There was a really tight, off-camber section at the end of row one that was pure carnage of bikes stuck in the middle of the trails. Managed to drop 4 minutes on that check alone. Started the second loop, felt pretty good, and was staying on my minute. At about the halfway point, I was having a hard time getting around another rider, but figured a good spot would present itself to pass. Saw my chance in a two line corner (my outside line had a puddle, but "no big deal..."). Squared up, hit the gas, drove through the puddle, and quickly realized the puddle was deeper than the airbox (even with the top of the seat when it stopped running). Needless to say, I didnt stay on my minute after that. I lifted the bike out of the puddle, turned it upside down (difficult to do by yourself), pumped the water out of the cylinder, drained the float bowl, and changed some plugs (3 to be exact), and proceeded to try kick-start the bike (well over 100 kicks). Just as I was about to give in and relegate myself to wait for the sweep rider, the bike fired. Got the gear back on, threw my tired self on the seat, and hit the trails. At the next check, I score a 74 (I was on row 18, so dropped almost an hour messing with the bike). Couple of miles later, I find myself on a hilltop covered with treefalls. I manage to fall over 3 times on slick, wet, uneven logs (and wave to Craig as he went by (and also managed to watch him do similar acrobatics)). Finally get going and catch up to Craig some miles later on the side of the trail with a dead bike. He waved for me to go on, but I told him I needed the break anyway. We managed to get the bike going and rode the last 6 miles to the finish. All that said, the trails were in good shape, and it was a good enduro. I just managed to find one of only a few mudholes. I'm just happy I got the bike going.


Mar 23, 2000
I got a late start due to transport difficulties, and hit the campground right at dusk. Found Justin and Quint and took over a cot in the tailgator. Justin and I both programmed out computers that night just to get it out of the way. There were some beautiful stars out, weather was great, and we hit the sheets pretty early. Lorin showed up before we dozed off, I think we all had a good nights sleep.
Sunday morning was chilly, and we tried to decide what to wear, knowing it would warm up nicely. ( Which it did)
The start was again across the creek/river, and winding up the mountain into the riding area. I was apprehensive about Quint making it up the first trail, due to the rain they got the day before. The start had Tom (?) taking the lead, then me followed by Quint and Justin bringing up the rear. I made it to the top of the first run and found a wide spot to check on Quints progress. I didn't have to wait long and here he came, motoring like a champ. I ran out ahead for a mile and waited again, only to find he was pretty much right on my tail. I ran out another mile, and he was not far behind.
(At one time, when they caught me, I checked the computer, only to see the mileage was still reading 00.00. Hmmm, must be a sensor problem. I manually advanced the mileage just to see where I was, timewise, for the rest of the race.)
Considering the stuff he had made it through, I figured he would easily finish the super-short, so I took off. The trail was mostly up and downhill with lots of rocks and fallen trees. There were very few places that I felt comfortable with really winding it out. For me it was mentally draining, having to keep focused on the trail right in front of the tire, and making quick adjustments to keep on the 'safest' route. I would take a line AROUND a pile of rocks with a 12" tree laying in the middle, rather than the straight line OVER it.
Made it to the gas stop with 15 minutes to kill before the start of the next section. Gassed up and got a quick bite to eat. Justin and Quint showed up with 5 minutes to spare. Good race, Quint!
Justin and I make it to the start of the next section, on time, and start running it out. We quickly find that Justin's computer isn't registering mileage, either, so we are running blind. We end up hitting check 3 one minute early, but it's the start of a test section, so off we go. Justin hits the check-out, which has an e-gas stop a couple of minutes before I do. We fumble with the sensors, to no avail, and take off into the next section. I was able to hang with Justin for a few miles, until he got zoned into his race mode, and off he went. I drop into fun/race mode and having fun and enjoying the trail. Levian catches me at one point, and I get to watch him for a couple of turns before he's out of sight. Pretty soon I come upon Justin, hunkered down next to his bike. I pull up and he hollers, " It's the chain, and I have a master link, GO ON!" I figured he'd be catching me in a couple so off I go. After another long rocky uphill, the trail is on the top of one of the 'mountains'. What I'm looking at reminded me of Mt. St. Helens, when it erupted. There were LOTS of trees just scattered along the trail, like a pile of pick-up sticks. They are all different sized and laying at all different angles along the trail. I start my way through it, with numerous times the front and rear wheel are hitting the trees at the same time. Sometimes perpendicular, usually at an angle. About half-way through, I encounter Lorin. It looked to me like his front tire hit an angled tree and slid under a big flat rock. It looked like he was going to have to drag the bike out, before he could pick it up. It wasn't a place to stop so I motored on, with a couple of drops along the way. I make it through, panting and with the puke-in-the-helmet feeling. I figured I couldn't help anyone at that point, (sorry Lorin) so I took off at a slow pace along some logging roads to catch my breath. I checked my status at the next mile marker and found I was only 4 minutes down, so I stated to pick up the pace. The bike started four-stroking at low rpm, and I wondered if I was about to foul a plug. Encountered some LONG up and downhills with pretty clear trail, so I really wound it out to try to clear up the stumble. Didn't make it very far and the bike died. My first hope was I was out of gas, so I switched to reserve and kicked it a few times. Nothing. I pull out a new plug and just get it in when Lorin shows up. I tell him to go on, but he stays to help. I pull the new plug out and Lorin checks while I kick it.... no spark. We discuss the electrics and Lorin suggests a loose wire. I borrow (and lose) some of his tools to pull of the seat and wiggle some wires. Kick it and it lights right up. Put it back together and we trail ride the last 10 miles or so to the finish.
Back at the trailer, Quint had finished his nap, so we broke camp while waiting for Justin to show. The sweep crew trucked him and his bike in an hour or so later, and we took off for home.
Thanks Lockwoods for the cot and company. It was a great day to get some competitive riding in.
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