Worst stacks


Jul 1, 2005
Worst crashes

What is the worst crash any of you have ever had? I can remember my worst, it was about a month ago, I was riding in the mountains on my old YZ80 when I hit a rut. The rut flicked me off the trail & I went flying down the steep slope on the side of the trail. My front wheel hit a ditch on the way down & threw me over the hangars & snapped my rear fender down so far that my muffler pierced straight through it, what are some of you guys worst stacks?
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Jan 27, 2000
DVMX said:
What is the worst crash any of you have ever had? I can remember my worst, QUOTE]

Pffffffft! That's nuthin'. :ohmy: If you can still remember it, it wasn't the worst. :rotfl: :rotfl:


Jul 1, 2005
There was another one where I didn'r actually come off as bad but hurt myself more. I was flying along the trail where I always ride in 5th gear band. I was going over some small jumps & as I landed one of them my front wheel bearing seized & locked the front wheel up & I got thrown straight over the hangars. I got up then fell straight back down & the next thing I knew was I was in the car getting driven home with a concussion.


Mar 15, 2005
Went to do a wheelie, fliped her back and tore open my arm. About 2 months ago. Ripped the rear fender off and broke my left side panel.


Jun 20, 2005
Roughly 27 years ago (ok so i'm old now) I was on a Kawasaki KD100 racing a CR125 Elsinore and a YZ250, of course they were much faster so I was being a stupid 12 year old (imagine that) and cutting them off not letting them pass so the guy on the YZ cuts across the trail and waits for me and then pulls out in front of me well I was screaming down the track and didn't want to hit him so I tried to go around him and behold a huge bush so I hit it and went tumbling. The guy on the CR was behind me and had to do the same thing the problem was that I was laying on the trail so over me he went. Took 20 some stitches in the arm. Not bad considering I got run over by a motorcycle.

I don't have that problem anymore cause now I'm the fastest guy on the track ;)


Jul 1, 2005
damn that's gotta hurt, I found someone lying in the middle of the trail a couple of weeks ago that had broken their leg because they rolled their quad going flat out.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
A couple years ago I got a paper cut when applying my FMF sticker. Those things should have warning labels!


Jun 20, 2005
DVMX said:
damn that's gotta hurt, I found someone lying in the middle of the trail a couple of weeks ago that had broken their leg because they rolled their quad going flat out.

Yea, Momma always said I would get hurt on that thing. She was right.


Jan 23, 2000
A squid during a PRACTICE day decides to block pass me then stalls right in front of me. I brake and T-bone him, and I land on his bike. Ouch! This isn't the worst but most recent and I'm mad.


Jun 18, 2004
Riding my cousin's RM125... that bike is like a spooked horse.

I'm not sure what happened because it happened so fast, but I ended up on my back and had a 'lightning bolt' streak in my vision for about 3 hours. It was a fast section of the track with a lip that launches you downhill.

Funny thing is that when my cousin saw me on the ground, he started riding over (he's on my CR125) and he crashed on his way.



Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
xsnrg said:
I've had several hi-speed wipe outs or wash outs, but both times I've broken bones on a dirtbike were less than 5 mph layovers. Going slow is just not safe.

same here, slow speed offs caused more personal damage... - wonder if there is anything to this. perhaps bikes are simply unstable without the gyro effect of the rear wheel spinning fast. at slow speed my crf feels very squirly but the same section of track at speed and it feels solid. possibly also the working of the suspension. i'll have to write up a proposal and see if i can get some government funding to study this effect - anyone want to volunteer to work on this project? :cool:

my most dramatic accident was an SCCA ProRally (car) - off the road at night at 100+mph, extracting guard rails, upside down, 25' in the air hitting a tree - then climbing out of the car in complete darkness not sure if i was jumping down a cliff or if any of those timber rattlers were around and angry...
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