
Dec 19, 2001
Has anyone installed this new item (only $40) on their bike yet? I have a 2001 with the grey wire removed, the airbox lid off and the throttle stop cut. Other than increasing the idle slightly when it was new (to get rid of a stalling problem at low RPM), I have never touched the carb and since these things are fussy, I am busy and it starts hot, cold and after a crash pretty well, I just as soon not touch it, if it will run right with another mod. I'm mostly looking for more low end torque. (better wheelies over things at low RPM, etc.) Does the GYT-R include a spark arrestor? Will my bike run right with it without touching the carb. If not, at sea level, what changes do I need to make to the carb? It is supposed to increase power everywhere with 5.5hp extra at peak. Not bad for the price and the relatively low noise. (<96 db)
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