
Nov 28, 2001
I ride an xr 400. When I ride on tight single-track courses, my arms kill me (especially my hands)!

I love the xr but is it too heavy for tight stuff? Maybe that's why my hands hurt so bad after a mile or two.

What kind of conditioning can I do to get up to competition level?


Jan 7, 2001
Myabe your getting worked just trying to reach the controls or you don't have very good leverage with your current control layout. Try changing your bar position(or bars), lever position, etc. Very often a small change can make a world of differnce.

Could also be that maybe you are just fighting the bike instead of making it work for you.

me $.02
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Oct 14, 2001
maybe you're just holding on too tight? i used to do that and i had to constantly remind myself to loosen up. also helps if i pinch the bike with my knees, but that doesn't help much on singletracks. it might not be it but try loosening up a bit with your hands.


Gone Bye-Bye
Oct 15, 2001
hold on with your legs, your hands are only ued to work controils and some steering (the slower you go the more you steer with the bars)


Aug 5, 2001

Hey, I'm from Pensacola too. I live out on the west side where Lillian Hwy and Fairfield intersect, close to Gulf Beach Hwy and 98. Please contact me, we really should meet up and go riding. My e-mail is [email protected].

I had problems when I first started riding my XR400 this summer. I was sitting down too much and had a death grip on the bars to try to keep the bike in line. As I got more used to the bike, I learned to relax, stand up and be more loose on the bike. This allows the bike to do what it wants, while you "float" above the bike in complete control. I still sit down in smoother areas, but especially in rougher, more technical sections I let my butt hover above the seat a few inches at least.

You could also have problems with your controls. If you have to kink your wrist, when sitting or standing, to reach your controls you need to move them. Furthermore, rolling your bars forward a tad will give you a better angle on the bars and the controls. Just make sure you can comfortably reach all your controls from a sitting and standing position. Finally, don't fight the bike, it will win. Remeber, RELAX. Good luck.

Please get a hold of me, [email protected], I'll be waiting to hear from you.


Jun 16, 1999
I believe the aching hands is described as wrist pump. I never get arm pump, however, when riding tight trails, my wrists would pump up terrible, so bad I could hardly pull the clutch or twist the throttle. I found that if I stopped and took a rest, and let the wrist pump go away, then started riding again, it never came back all day. I discovered the death grip was my problem. Once I just started to relax and sort of let the bike go, I didn't have any more trouble. Try relaxing your grip a little, see what happens. Throttle or clutch cables with stiff pull can be a culprit, too. Some people have mentioned changing around your bars and controls, that is a very good idea too.

Don't worry...your bike isn't too heavy. I've ridden a lot of XR400's and they are great in the tight stuff. BTW...see what I ride in the woods...its not too heavy, either......;)


Nov 24, 2001
Arm pump?

:p Arm pump is caused by many factors and conditoning may be your biggest problem, but:silly: As said before handlebar posision lever placement are also VERY important. I am a 42 yr old who has small hands but a wide chest and has caused me to make some changes mostly because of my condotioning or the lack of.
How wide your handlebars along with the bend you choose is important but due to my small hands the correct choice of levers is just as important, my choice is the cr perch and lever with the levers filed down so they are thinner. The thinner lever is my first mod when i bring a new scoot home. Give it a try and enjoy. Doug:confused:
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