I have i '90 kdx 200 (for sale) and i want to move (not nesasarily up) to an xr400 or 250. I would rather have the 400, at my wieght (230) but i want to spend about $2500. The resons that i would buy the 250 are: avalibility, cost, easy to find aftermarket parts on ebay and so on, handiling in the tight sh**. but for my wieght i think the 400 would be much better, but what about buying a 250 for a grand less than the 400 and making it work for me? i ride mostly on tight trails all year round and whatever i buy will be an xr. i live in upstate new york, and i think finding a 400 around here would be hard. there is an xr400 at my dealer for $3200, its a '98 in exelent condition. could i get a good 250 for 2 grand in ny?
p.s.- the kdx is a great bike too, you should buy it.
[email protected]
p.s.- the kdx is a great bike too, you should buy it.
[email protected]