I have a 2003 YZ250. The bike has never had any issues. I was riding the other day and when I was slowing down or holding the clutch in, I could hear the exhaust didn't sound right. Instead of fast, crisp sounds, it was slower and appeared to have a bogging sound. When giving it throttle, it would bog for a split second and then clear up. When on the gas, it screamed. Also, if I stopped and idled, the bike would sound like it was bogging again, and would die. However, if I pulled the choke on, it idled great. I tried changing the spark plug, nothing changed. The air filter was dirty, so I cleaned it and also took the carb off and sprayed it with cleaner, although it looked good to begin with. Put it together, same result. Any suggestions?? Very frustrated!
I have a 2003 YZ250. The bike has never had any issues. I was riding the other day and when I was slowing down or holding the clutch in, I could hear the exhaust didn't sound right. Instead of fast, crisp sounds, it was slower and appeared to have a bogging sound. When giving it throttle, it would bog for a split second and then clear up. When on the gas, it screamed. Also, if I stopped and idled, the bike would sound like it was bogging again, and would die. However, if I pulled the choke on, it idled great. I tried changing the spark plug, nothing changed. The air filter was dirty, so I cleaned it and also took the carb off and sprayed it with cleaner, although it looked good to begin with. Put it together, same result. Any suggestions?? Very frustrated!