
Dec 28, 2006
I wrote a few months ago about having dunked my 99 yz400f in a mud puddle ( i had no idea it was 5 feet deep.) Well I finally got around to taking the top end apart to see my compression sharply dropped to nothing. Piston didnt look bad, nice oil on the cams so i think they are all good. The head failed a solvent test thou on all valves, so I figured I would take it to my Local Yam,honda, etc etc dealer/service center. They have a pretty big shop, 400 plus bikes, so i figured there would be no problems. After 10 minutes of waiting the service counter person comes from the back and tell me they dont have the equiptment to service the valves. Is this normal ? How hard is it to have tools to service the bikes they sell, with a million+ dollars worth of inventory of bikes on the showroom, it makes me feel great to know they cant fix valves lol. Oh yeah and they wanted to charge me $270 dollars to find out what was wrong with my bike, when i told them I wanted valves and top end done.

Frustrated in TN


Jan 27, 2000
Dangousity said:
the service counter person comes from the back and tell me they dont have the equiptment to service the valves. Is this normal ? How hard is it to have tools to service the bikes they sell, with a million+ dollars worth of inventory of bikes

This is more normal than you may think. It takes some very expensive equipment to service the modern four stroke heads not to mention the knowledge it takes. Few shops have this equipment or the people to operate it. Many shops would rather sell you a new head. They make more money with less hassle.

Most shops will use a local automotive/motorcycle machine shop to send this type of work to. Call around to some of the other shops in your area and ask who they use for this service.

You could also email Eric Gore at Forward Motion Inc. Excellent work, fast turn-around. :cool:
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