Yz426 or Yz450f


Jan 8, 2007
Hey guys i just wanted to ask some advice
one of my mate recently baught a 00 426 really quick and i wanted something
the same if not quicker but i have not ridin a 450 yet so i dont know what there like so i just wanted to ask people there choice on what bike would be a better bike thanks heaps guys
want my first bike to be a beast


Oct 19, 2006
People who get beasts as their first bikes usually loop it out and never want to ride again. That being said, I would personally prefer the 426 as it has a 5 speed transmission and I do a lot of trail riding. The 450 has a 4 speed transmission that works great for the tracks. There isn't a huge difference in power, both bikes are beasts.


Nov 28, 2006
Well they dont race the 426 anymore because they now have the 450, i think the 450 would be faster because theyve pumped alot of there money in it for the past 5 years, and beacuse of the displacement advantage.

Well get what you want. The 426 will be a little easyer to handle, but the 450 will be faster

But its the rider not the bike (125 and up). So your friend could still beat you, ever considered a 250?


Mod Ban
Nov 6, 2006
cr85rb_rider said:
its the rider not the bike (125 and up)

Track or trail, the cc's don't matter.
Maybe you're a little intimidated by the crf150r, being an 85 rider :nener:


Dec 27, 2006
i'd go with the 450


Oct 31, 2002
cr85rb_rider said:
The 426 will be a little easyer to handle, but the 450 will be faster
Not hardly. The ergos of the 450 would make it easier to handle. The 426 has a higher center of gravity than the newer 450s plus the suspension should be better, not to mention the auto decompression of the 450 making it easier to start. I'm not sure about HP numbers between the two but I'm sure they are close. If you have the choice and they are in the same condition, I would prefer the 450 for the above mentioned reasons.


Dec 31, 2006
I own a 01 426, my father-in-law owned an 04 450. The 450 was alot narrower and lighter, but as mentioned above the 450 is only a 4 speed(they dropped 1st gear, the rest were all matching)
As far as power goes the 426 made more power but was very 2stroke like in the fact it is very hard hitting. When they went to the 450's they tamed the hit down a bunch but they are very powerful.
My 426 is pretty hammered now so its a trail weapon mostly but it sometimes sees the track. The 450 my father-in-law owned was a much better race machine than trail bike.
As farr as starting...well yea they both have their quirks you just learn their secrets. I won a coke at a dealership once when I strted a 426 on the first kick and no one at the shop could start it. Also you can bump/push start a 426 wtih the dcomp lever alot easier than with the 450 auto-decomp set-up.


Jan 8, 2007
Thanks guys helping us out i wont be racin so i just want something that gets up and go and i know a 426 can bit scary but i like the challange ill see whats pops up and jump on it as both bike seem to be a much of a muchness if you know what i mean and yes i have stacked the 426 on my first jump broke my ankle and arm
doesnt stop me from doing it again just learn on smaller jumps
stupid me


Jan 8, 2007

I know what you mean about the rider just want to have something quicker so then i can say its the bike!
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