
Dec 30, 2002
Does anyone know of a source for a decent kickstand for a '96 YZ80? My son rides one that is set up for trail use with engine mods from Eric Gore as well as other changes. There are many times it would be very handy to have a kickstand on the bike.

I have a universal type kickstand but it looks like it will take some serious mods to make it work properly. If there's an easier way I'd like to know about it.

I think that the early 90's models parts diagrams show a kickstand and I was wondering if it could be used without too much modifying.

BTW, I would highly recommend the EG mods for anyone who is trying to tame down the hit and increase the low end on this motor. This bike still doesn't run like a TTR-90 but it is much better for my 9 year old and has great suspension and brakes. For the $$$ you sure get a lot more technology than with the play bikes that have technology from the '70's.


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