1988 XR250 front brake problem!! Help!!!!!


Jun 12, 2001
I have a 1988 XR250 and i went to change the pads on the front brake. When i got the caliper off(i think thats what its called, the thing that holds the brakes) i saw tons of wood jammed up all inside. I took the pads off and cleaned the caliper(?) off. when i went to put the new pads in i found out that there wasnt enough room for them. they fit in right but they both couldnt be in at the same time. i pumped the brake lever thinking it would make more romm but the top piston (the one closer to the handle bars) kept coming out and wouldnt go back in. Ithink its called the piston, the 2 big circles that push the pads. I bled the brakes to try and make the piston go back down but it wouldnt. Now my top piston is out about an inch, maybe a little more, and i dont know what to do. Please help ASAP!
Thank You:ugg:


Aug 11, 2001
Pulling the lever and bleeding will actually move the pistons further out of the caliper (which is what you don't want). Believe it or not, the solution is simple: Push both pistons further back into the caliper. You should be able to use your fingers, but if they're stubborn use some gentle force with a tool. Once you get the pistons back a little bit, your pads will go right in and there will be plenty of room. You can safely push both pistons back so that they're flush with the caliper bore. MAKE SURE TO PUMP THE BRAKE A FEW TIMES TO GET PRESSURE BEFORE RIDING!

If you're still having probs, post again, or e-mail me. I'm trying to help, but I'm a CPA, not a certified mechanic :scream:


May 20, 2001
Pressing the pads in

I have a really small C-clamp that I use to sqeeze the piston/pads back in. If you don't have something like that, I have used a large screwdriver to pry the pads apart. Just be careful not to bust them. Remember, slow and steady pressure will work better than hammering on them.



Jan 8, 2002
If you're really having a tough time you can open the bleeder valve before you try to push the piston back into the caliper. Put a hose on the bleeder valve to avoid the mess annd be sure to check the fluid level when you're all finished.

Cleaning off the sides of the piston before you press it back in helps keep the piston's rubber seal clean. Use approved cleaner, blah, blah,blah....

Good luck,


Jun 12, 2001
Thank you guys very much!:cool: As soon as i get home i am going to try to push them back in. I already tried to with my hands so i think i am going to go the hardware store and get some kind of clamp. Thank you guys again for the help!:cool:

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