Mar 16, 2007
ok guys so i got back from the track today, and i improved alot today. i was able to hit some jumps I never could before and one of the biggest jumps at the track as well. im looking to get a new bike now. i used to be a total 4t hater but after riding my buddys bike today at the track it was way easier to hit the jumps on his bike than on mine. i was looking at getting an 05 cr 125 or a 05 crf 250. i am novice and would like to start doing local races. I want to take mx as far as possible but I am just starting out. But I wont be satisfied until I can hit something really big like laroccos leap. do you guys think i should go with a 4t or a 2t? I dont want to be over biked is the main thing im worried about. although I guess once I get used to a 4t and its "my" bike things might be different. theres just so much damn torque on those things.
Jan 3, 2007
HGIII, i think you should get a 125. 125s make you a more aggresive and better controlling rider because of the powerband they have. You will much improve your skills ridding a 125 till the time comes to get a 250 2 stroke or 250 4 stroke.


Dec 31, 1969
Phil said:
Let us know how that works out.
Better skip that 250F and go straight for the 450.


Sep 13, 2001
I am a die hard 2stroke fan. But, the reality is, if you are going to race and want to continue racing and want to be competitive, a 4stroke is better. I know I am faster on a 4stroke. I see them pull me, in and out of corners. I'm in it just for the fun and don't plan on racing. I can't speak about maintenance, so I won't.

Mar 16, 2007
well I got a job at the track. so I get to ride for free. I will be riding about 5 days a week. so I was thinking maybe 2t becaus if Im going to put alot of hours on the bike ill have to put in new top ends alot which would be easy on the 2t but expensive and complicated on the 4t from what I heard. and I have also been told what 2t for life said. I felt slower on the 4t around the track but it was easy to clear most of the jumps. I didnt really have to worry about keeping my speed through the corners in order to clear the jumps on the 4t I guess cause theres so much power. But on my 125 I have to try and haul ass through the corners to keep up my speed and clear that big table top.
Mar 16, 2007
Phil said:
Let us know how that works out.

obviously this is something you have to work up too. I dont mean im going to go out and do it now. I just mean I wont be satisfied with myself until I can go really big like that. so I got a long way to go. from 125 to 250 to 450 but ill get there one day. :nener:


Sep 2, 2007
I tried a XT350 on track, and yesterday I tried my KX125 in trails. I have never ride a 2-stroke before. Wow, what a top-end power! It was great, very enjoyable, it's very hard to control it's power until you get used to it, but I really loved 2-stroke after that ride. 2-stroke engine almost has no compression braking effect, so the whole braking is your responsibiliy; it has a top-end power blast, controlling it is really harder than 4-strokes, but it will make you better; they are lighter than 4-strokes; you have to select the right gear to keep the engine rev up; you have to keep revs up when you're going to hill-climb or the engine will stop.

Shortly, 2-strokes are harder to ride, but when you get used to it you will love it. Because when you hit the gas it reacts so fast and I love that blast feeling :)


Sep 13, 2001
I picked up on the word 'racing'. Riding a track for fun and racing, to me, are different. I have a great time riding MX tracks for fun on my 2stroke. And it is the abrupt power and weight that make it fun. I thought that if you race, you are racing to win or place the best you can. With that in mind, I still recommend a 4stroke.


Sep 2, 2007
Yes I agree. If he wants to develop himself (he says that he is a novice, so he wants to develop his abilities), 2-strokes are the best.

But when it comes to serious races, if you can't use smokers' power very very efficiently & good, a 4-stroke will be the best for you.

It differs between riders though, some riders are faster with smokers, some of them feel better with 4-strokes. Just try and see!


Sep 9, 2007
2 Stroke: Lighter, Great throttle responce, More power(per cc), Cheaper maintanence, Cheaper modifications

4 Stroke: Heavy, Predictable power, Longer maintanence intervals, More expensive maintanece

The choice is yours but 2 strokes make better riders in my opinion. No offence to the 4 strokers out there. I'd rather be a smokin' than a strokin' :)


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Hubert,I would recommend a get tired of that then bump it up to a 144! The yz is a whole world faster and has more potential! And service honda is selling parts!
Mar 16, 2007
2 strokes for life said:
HGIII, i think you should get a 125. 125s make you a more aggresive and better controlling rider because of the powerband they have. You will much improve your skills ridding a 125 till the time comes to get a 250 2 stroke or 250 4 stroke.

TWRT said:
I am a die hard 2stroke fan. But, the reality is, if you are going to race and want to continue racing and want to be competitive, a 4stroke is better. I know I am faster on a 4stroke. I see them pull me, in and out of corners. I'm in it just for the fun and don't plan on racing. I can't speak about maintenance, so I won't.


these are the two things that I have heard before and make it hard for me to make up my mind. A 2t will make me a better rider in the long run but if I want to be competitive i should go 4t. I feel faster in the corners on my 2t but better on jumping the 4t :coocoo: . I think if i could corner on a 4t like i do on my 2t id be sold with a 4stroker. But I do want to become the best rider I can be so I should go with el 2stroke right? thanks for the replies guys ;)


Sep 2, 2007
Yeah you're right, if you wanna become better than this, you should get a 2-stroke. You can easily see your faults on that. Harder to jump because it's power changes very quickly and it's hard to adjust. If you are good enough, you can beat some 4-strokes with your smoker. I think they are the best for your expectations..
Mar 16, 2007
whenfoxforks-ruled said:
Hubert,I would recommend a get tired of that then bump it up to a 144! The yz is a whole world faster and has more potential! And service honda is selling parts!

thats also something that has crossed my mind

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