
Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
The last few days until we left were tought o handle as I packed and repacked the camper everyday. I think I had supplies for a month in there. Finally Tues arrived and at noon I couldn't wait any longer- took off from work and went home to recheck everything was packed and to wait for the kid and Karsten to get home. As soon as they were off the bus we were ready to roll.
First stop pick up WaltCmoto and Mini127. Finally we are on our way. Truck ran perfectly and soon (well 14 hours later) we were inside the gates of MX heaven. Despite very little sleep thekid and mini were soon headed for the track and I was off BSing with everyone. Walt was busy setting up camp and then he finally was off work the kid poker run. Karsten (our foriegn exchange student from Germany) decided to help also and headed off with Sarge (never to be the same again ;) ).
The days were a blur as everyone topped the previous as new old friends showed up and I met many more new friends. DW was everything it was meant to be.
I have to offer thanks to many people and I am afraid I will forget some but i have to try
All of you that took time to talk with and ride with Karsten- He saw what America is really about from this week. He saw people who were strangers do anything theycould to be sure evryone enjoyed themselves. Walt, mini and PapaK introduced hiom to woods riding and he loved it. He went back several times after you showed him the treails and I think a highlight for him was when I finally tried the trails and he was my guide.
Everyone who encouraged thekid out on the track. He was in heaven and I remember 2 guys who I only met briefly that seemed to showup when he was on the track and their riding pushed him up a couple notches. So to #141 (motodawgs son?) and #468(?) on a Kawi thanks you guys really rocked that track.
Now the hard part. Sat I got stupid and in my 1st MX in 34 yrs I got way to wild and ended up on the ground in the C class. To the flaggers that I scared as I coasted to them and fell off the bike thanks for helping me out of the way andtaking care of me there. To Zoomer who showed up immediately and loaded me onto Shifless's quad (she drives that thing pretty good with injured on the back)- then Zoomwer rode the oldbeast back to camp. Gomer's wife Lori- she was right there at camp and had icepacks and hunted down elastic bandages. She also continued thru out the day to make sure I was comfortable. Patmans wife Sandy for also going way out of her way to make sure I was comfortable and followed me around while I watched the kid race. I don't think I would have gotten better care at the hospital (definately not as friendly at home). Natalie (getmetocal) and others at trackside for making sure I had water and my feet propped up (thanks Pat for the great chair).
Billywho for taking the time just before his (and thekids) moto to change the front wheel on thekids bike. Eric found his tire flat just as he was ready to head up for the Aclass race and as I was incapacitated Billy put on his spare. How often do you get a pro you will soon have the thrill of racing against do that? Billy you made Eric's thrill of the week come true. Also Billy thanks for fittting me with a brace for the bad knee- at the hospital last night they just put it back on and said they didn't have anything close to it for the time being (just wish I had been wearing a set before the race :( )
Blackhawk for the use of the crutches-she hobbled around on a bad ankle so I could use them and get around. Bswift and his wife for seeing to it that I had a set of crutches to take home- I couldn't walk without them and with 16 hours in the truck coming up I figured I would need to get out once or twice ;)
Nikki and Red for helping load up all our bikes and gear.
I never knew I had so many friends as everytime I turned around there was someone there to offer help or ask what they could do to make me comfortable.
Lastly Walt thanks for understanding the change in plans and pulling out at 10PM. I couldn't imagine missing that one last meal with the Mods but I still was dieing to get home and to the hospital. Walt drove all the way home and then after we unloaded at his house drove an extra 60 miles to meet up with my wife and father to get me home.
I know I have forgotten some you that made DW02 so special for our group but in a group like we had there it is impossible to remember every detail (especially at my age)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
LOL! I think maybe he was hangin' out with Kenny too much and got confused. Bust a move or bust a knee, aaaa who cares bust something.


Sponsoring Member
May 1, 2002
OldGuy! I was taping 7x (Donny Post) in the first C moto and saw you dump it on the edge of my vision. I didn't get it on tape, but I do have you layin' in the dirt! Sorry, you got hurt.. at 46 I know how long it takes to heal! Yes, the fast #141 is my boy, Mike. I'm the slow #141. Every time Mike saw #35 on the track he fired up his YZ and jumped on the track. He really had fun dicin' with TheKid and took every opportunity to slap plastic with him. Old farts like us don't provide much challenge for these young guns! I do have a tape of Mike and TheKid battling it out for position in one of the A moto's; "#35 leads #141 down the hill from the huge step-up, TheKid is first out of the berm at the bottom of the hill and hits the little step-up, Mike shows him a wheel as they hit the ground at full twist, they're side-by-side as they rock through the uphill rhythm section, at the top of the hill as they leave camera view, Mike pulls ahead and they disappear (Mike said TheKid kept it hammered and pulled a block-pass on him in the last turn). As they slide/wheelie back into view rounding the off-camber TheKid is out front and they blast into the left-hander and down the front straight! Then hairpin-disappear-tabletop-disappear-tabletop! They catch bigair side-by-side and Mike takes the advantage on the inside..." This was some of the best action in the A class!
PM me your address and I'll shoot you a copy of the motos I have with TheKid (and you) in them.


Jun 8, 1999
Dave, Glad to hear you made it home OK. The guy that came up with me "Patrick" talked about how nice you and WaltCMoto were for about an HOUR on the way home. Thanks for the food the beers and for making a "newbie" feel like he belonged.

Now you have a built in excuse for stiing around the house not doing anything for a while. ;)


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Thanks Oldguy for coaxing me out on the track. Good thing I don't believe in Karma, because I would swear I jinxed you. Hey, how much air was I getting anyway?


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
How could I forget one of the true highlights for me (blame the pain killers). Kelvin KDX :thumb: walked into my camp just an hour or so before the night time poker run and wouldn't take no for an answer when he offered his KDX to me. I felt bad taking another guys bike into the woods (at night none the less) since I only have ridden woods one lap at Casey last year and 1 lap at DW02. I had a blast and truely think I may be looking for a KDX to call my own before long. Kelvin thanks for the bike and talking me into doing it :worship:


Aha! That was the source of much confusion that night, Dave! I heard your voice, but never saw your bike. I didn't realize it until the final lap that you were on a KDX. :)


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
you should have kept your distance from Billy, LOL.
No way you should thank me for anything.
I need to thank you again
1) You drive out of your way to pick me up.
2) I get chauffered to the best family dirt bike reunion on the planet.
3) While I run off to work a poker run, you set up camp.
4) The fridge is stocked with brats & beer (he is from wisconson)
5) never ending hospitality
Eric and I had a GREAT time and would do it over in a second :thumb:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
He feels old. :)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Thank youuuuuu. We'll be here all week.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
It was great meeting you Oldguy. You and Eric barely stayed off the bike. The exchange guy (I'm sorry I forgot his name) and you guys were all smiles all week. What a great thing to see every day.

I look forward to riding with you guys again.



Jun 5, 2001
Thanks for the bowl of shreaded tastey meat and bread you gave me. That was some great stuff and it was good to finally meet you. Hope your knee is feeling better, hang in there! :yeehaw: Your kid is damn fast too, but not as fast as the elk, yet! Thank him for letting me by.;)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Uh, Elk...... the kid is 14 and on a 125. :p

Oh and isn't it funny how that tasty meat looked just like SPIDER LEGS! :scream:


Jun 5, 2001
I know Pat, he's on his way, let me tell ya! And I just remembered, that was VENISON that he gave me!!:scream: I ate my own kind, holy poop!! I'm a canibal:|


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Hope you're getting good news on the knee, Dave! I can't thank you enough for letting me use your EZ-up. It gave much needed shade! I gotta get to Sam's and buy me one now! :thumb:


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Does that mean I'll have shade at LBL? LOL

Just kidding Corey, I have this choice campsight on Stop #1 after the water point that is primo! You just have to get there early enough to get it. You know the one I am talking about, righ before the seasonal wash and nothing but pines around it, not to mention a few feet above all the rest near the back, close to a trail head.


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