
AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
kingriz 1 said the following:
That was a great game!
Zoinks! Better watch out! They'll kick you clean outta Arlington saying stuff like that in Cowboy Country! No 'Skins win is a good game for those fellers down there, I tell you what!


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by Milquetoast
Jeez, all this class warfare/verbal jousting and I wasn't even involved? That should be a reason to give me GOOD mojo if there ever was one! :)
I can't even PM you (at either alias) cuz your PM box is full. I did give your other self some mojo once. Don't really remember why I gave you the mojo or why I wanted to PM you. :confused:


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
I just watched the interview with the two girls, To see those two cry when they talked about the moment that animal was killed broke my heart, to be that close to having your life taken away and then be that upset when his was taken......................just blows me away

God bless 'em


Oct 30, 2001
Originally posted by JPIVEY
to be that close to having your life taken away and then be that upset when his was taken......................just blows me away

I think that says alot about them, good for them. Maybe the emotions had more to do with relief though, which is understandable of course.

VD: I'm all cleared up now, if you remember why you wanted to holler at me then fire away! :) ( But keep in mind that I'll have a hard time taking you seriously anymore with that avatar! :confused: :) ) Thanks for the mojo, I got it.

P.S.- My 'alias' is now dead thanks to Okie. When I hang out at my friends house, her computer would insist that i was KLX4Smoke no matter what i would do, until I asked Okie how to kill that user name. Don't worry everyone, there is only one liberal wacko here (except RIZ maybe :) ).
Last edited:


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Originally posted by a454elk
You wait and see Riz, right down the :uh: bud. The more you and other bleeding hearts cry about, the less control we will have and then one day, you'll be whining like a 3rd grader because we aren't allowed to help.

I coudn't agree more. We had a situation here where a coked out guy stabbed a cop when they tried to arrest him at the point the guy was lunging at the officer with a knife the officer drew his weapon and shot the suspect. The suspect still managed to bury the knife into the officers shoulder and unfortunately the officer only managed to "wing" the suspect but they were able to get him cuffed and arrested. About 6 months later the suspect filed a complaint with the Law Enforcement Review Agency saying that he felt that the officer shooting him was the use of unreasonable force. After months of hearings and testimony the civilian Agency found the officer GUILTY of using excessive force due to the fact the suspect was so drugged up the officer should have been able to subdue him without the use of his service weapon. The officer was stabbed for christ sakes, can you say bleeding hearts :think:

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
i guess it's time for big poppa crash mc cutchin to put this to rest. 1, i know the diff between breaking laws and breaking noses. sometimes a broken nose is the price for admission to the game. like i always said."some people need killin'"..some need busted noses. slippery slope? i think not, since i'm not looking for admission to that game. been arrested? me? yes, ah..well several times and have been the focus of more than one felony, on site, investigation. been questioned harshly, gave as good as i got, never got a busted nose or punched. like i said, wasn't looking to get into that game.2. i couldn't do the job but you need more self control? heard that before, B.S, you want more self control on site..join up. 3 imigrants /******. sooo..what! it's a free country, if i want to lay all my selfimposed problems on some boogy man imigrant, great. don't come to this country and break the law. that simple, otherwise you add to the stereotype.don't come here and try to impose your culture and shun ours. once again, not good, i'm 3d generation and mine did it the right way. btw, mine weren't too popular after we went to war with the gerrys, tough. they got over it. last but not least.3 pointing a gun at jehovas blah blah...WHO HASN'T ! jeeze, come out to my neighborhood, the sticks, i didn't ask ya out, don't know ya, don't wanna see ya. i answer the door with mr 1911 or mr defender, depends on the mood. offensive? maybe, but it'll be a lil more offensive to me when i get jacked at my front door and have to watch my family murderd. it's my job for thier saftey, sustanance, shelter and protection. don't like it, don't knock on my door. mullet or not! ok, hillbilly me, yup, i won't bother you, don't bother me. ps. please don't flame me, i'm emotionally unstable and on heavy medication.


Dec 31, 1969
Are we having fun yet?
At this point, the only poster that has called names is riz... you can disagree with someone's opinion all you want, but you can't make it personal. (that's the "grown-up" part I was talking about)


Sponsoring Member
Apr 20, 2001
In centuries to come, maybe milleniums from now, some technology archaeologist is going to unearth the early versions of DRN, before it was the governing body of the universe, and Sarge is going to be hailed as one of the 21st Century's greatest philosophers.


Jun 5, 2001
Hip hip hooray!! Sarge for president!:):) :D


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
You're going to do WHAT to Crash with a live bull?!! :)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by kingriz1
I apologize for the name calling. I got a carried away.

No problems on my part. I thought it was just getting good ;)

Hope you don't think I got a little too carried away either. I just can express my opinion to an extreme at times.



Jun 5, 2001
No, really, cut it out! :):)

Would this be group hug time?


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Originally posted by kingriz1
Just like to say what we think. Nothing wrong with that.

Me, too. You both suck. :moon:



Feb 9, 2000
I decided to stay out of this, and only have this to add.

Anyone who calls Riz, griz, is name calling ... no !

I worked in the department of corrections in South Africa and have seen both sides of the coin, some officers really got excited when something was going down , a riot, escape etc, all they wanted was to kick some ass. Their oath at times like this meant nothing to them, this was something they really enjoyed. To serve and protect, is a hard oath to obey - really hard.

Police and others in law enforcement really have a tough time, and the line between doing ones duty and breaking the law is a fine one.

If I was in danger, or my kids, and the police, or anyone for that matter came to my rescue, I would be extremely grateful. Deadly or excessive force is sometimes necessary. However brutality, or excessive force for kicks is not.

If someone were to spit at me while I was at work, or take a swing, obviously my first reaction is to retaliate. However, as I get older I am realizing that sometimes you have to work within the system, call the cops, or relevant authorities. Sometimes your retaliation in itself is criminal, and this we all have to keep in mind, us mere citizens, and police too --- eh Elkster !?


Jun 5, 2001
I agree Bundu, you do have to work within the system, I do it everyday. What I don't do is to abuse the authority given to me by citizens. Getting out of hand isn't a good thing no matter what your position is. Maybe what I'm trying to say is that when you deal with crap all day, everyday, sometimes it's tough to control your anger. Not that I'm making excuses for other's actions but, a little understanding maybe is all I'm after. :D

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