Fixing gouges in case sealing surfaces


Jun 8, 2009
Does anyone have any advice for fixing deep screwdriver gouges in the sealing surfaces of my '97 CR250R cases? I split the cases this morning (with a Tusk casesplitter), and found where a previous owner has really done a number on the cases during a rebuild. The gouges are deep enough that the gasket and silicone sealant isn't going to work.

Anyone fixed this before? Welding shop? JB Weld? Machine it down flat and use extra gaskets? SOL?


Apr 27, 2001
You can repair them first with one of several 2 part epoxy products, loctite, jb weld, devcon, ect. the key here is to fix the damage & allow it to cure, then lap it back to the original machined plane, then reassemble using eom gaskets & more epoxy in any suspected problem areas. It is key to clean & prep well prior to doing the first operation so as to have a good bond regardless of what product you choose to use. Good luck
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