Is it just me?


Mar 16, 2000
Has anyone else noticed that people seem to be acting "different" since the terrorist bombings? And what I mean by that is that people seem to be acting a little nicer.....

With the exception of those idiots who are running around shooting at and killing innocent gas station owners and people who are quietly trying to practice their religion, just because they "look middle-eastern", and the dumb be-atch who cut me off on the freeway the other night (and then flipped me off while I was putting my brake peddle through the floorboard, in a vain attempt to slow from 70 to the 50 mph she was cruising along at, so as not to send her trunk into her glove compartment.....). Whew! I know that was long winded, but I'll use that as the "flame" part of my post. And I'm sure that'll spark some debate, also.

Anyway, my original point is that everyone I've talked to on the phone and at the grocery store and everywhere else, it just seems to me that I'm hearing a lot more "please" and "thank you" and "yes" and "I'll take care of that" and "no problem".....well, I'm sure you get the point. People just seem to be taking the time to be more sincere in what they say and how they act.

It's sad that it took a tragedy to bring this out of people (if, in fact my theory is correct), but I for one like it and I hope it continues. I know I'll do my part to see that it does.


Mar 27, 2000
It's definitely just you.

People in Western Pennsylvania are just as rude as ever. With it getting colder around here it's about to get worse.


Nov 25, 2000
I was wondering if anyone else noticed this too, but then it went away slowly at first and now everything is just about back to normal. Oh well :silly:

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