Is Recession A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
It's come to a point where I feel we must look beyond the surface at BOTH sides. And yea, it's a sorry spot to be in. Do we even care enough to know that our "President Elect's" birth certificate is mysteriously "missing"? And if that is conveniently not found, that the "out-of-date and old-fashioned Constitution" will need to be "updated"? Actually he will NOT be the president until the truth about his birth certificate is found out, at which point the whole "Constitution's needed updates" WILL be addressed.
How convenient.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
^^^This is the main qualification for anyone who wants to become a United States president. Philip Berg is currently suing Obama in the U.S. Supreme Court to produce the certificate. If he can not produce it he is disqualified and and there must be another vote by the people to produce a candidate for the presidency.
So far, this previous vote is illegitimate and no longer valid.
Could the U.S. experience race riots as occured in past years, if this was forced to take place unless fully explained to the public? Why do so few of "the public" not know of this issue?
Was this a planned event so that Martial Law will be declared and our Constitution can be done away with to bring about a global leader?
Maybe this is just a conspiracy theory and everyone's making stuff up. Or maybe there's something to it. The most frustrating part is ... who knows? I certainly don't, but something sure does smell fishy.

This entire thread is totally political. And that is a DRN no-no. But with these issues weighing so heavily with people right now, I hope it can go on. Thanks to all for behaving like adults and for not falling into the whole "personal attack thing."


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
2-Strokes 4-ever said:
Philip Berg is currently suing Obama in the U.S. Supreme Court to produce the certificate.

The court has not decided to take the case yet. They will decide today. As much as I would like to see it happen.......I am not holding my breath.

BTW, that birth certificate sure looks fake. Personally, I think he was born elsewhere (Kenya?) and I also think a large percentage of the populace does not give a cat poop.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I guess the upside would be that then Arnold could run! :)


Nov 10, 2008
well at the bottom of those websites it stated that the lawsuit is frivolous, that the birth certificate is consistent with those of that time and place....being born in the US automatically makes him a natural citizen ..he was born of an American woman, a natural citizen that was under the age of 21,curious as too how many people that would exclude (my 3 eldest brother and sisters for starters.)

two things bother me on this 1 how did he get so far if he wasn't allowed ,if he wasn't qualified then the whole political system is a farce. Do we need another revolution and a major overhaul of the political system to straighten this out.
2 How much of the taxpayers money is going to be wasted if he is found legal to be president
either scenerio translates into the governement system we have wasting the time and money of the people definately something we don't need.

honestly I think it is a sour grapes type of thing to create another media uproar

maybe this should go over into the flame board since it is getting political?


Nov 10, 2008
RM_guy said:
DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!!! :debil:

I find that statement unsettling on many levels...

is it the politicians or the system that is the farce

we all can appreciate the not so distant stretch that the politicians are lying to us.So whose fault is that, ours for letting them get in and keep the office they where voted in.Obviously not as individuals but as a collective the most votes rule.I believe the apathy of the general public of the voting age is going to kill this nation ie: I don't like either one so I am not voting answer do a write in or vote 3rd party.....My vote don't count anyway answer well vote for your representative and you will sway the electorol vote. The system we have gives us the right and ,I believe the duty as a citizen, to tell our government what we want as a nation. If they don't perform I think we as the taxpayers should be able to fire them on a performance level not unlike us at our regular jobs.

Or is it the system that is failing us.At the inception of this nation our forefathers made a set of rules that to them seemed like a great idea.At that time only landowners could vote.Now I am not going to say it was a rule but generally speaking landowners where business men.I myself cannot make a truly educated decision on who is the best person for the job it is more of a best guess type of thing and i am sure countless others are like me or worse.Do we go back to only land owners voting.....or only businessmen...or even only taxpayers maybe we have to ratify the amendment on who and how to vote, it was already change a couple of times already whats one more.

The President of the said to be the most powerful person in the free world but he is being checked by Constition as the Justice System defines and the laws that Congress passes. Worse he is controlled by the political party that got him there but he is only there to try and control the business side of running the nation maybe we need a board of directors like most large businesses as opposed to just one guy and his sidekick

Going back to the apethetic non voters i talked about earlier IF there is 1 billion people eligible to vote and 200 million vote 1 way and 199 million vote the other nothing much is going to change which ever side it is.All it is going to be is a tit-for-tat scenerio till the end . Now if you had the remainder of the people who are eleigible to vote say 100million green party
(guarantee that just raised everyones eyes)100 million libertarian,and 100million federalist and 300 million voting for their next door neighbor a couple of things might happen

1 The debates would be opened up so that there is not a cooperative monopoly(?oxymoron?) between the two and we would actually have a chance to hear more than just the tax and spend ,share the wealth,and stay the course speeches that have plagued us to long.

2 the parties that have been too successful at the politics as usual game might wake up and actually give us someone that is worthy of the nation not just worthy of their party they affiliated too.

I obviously need to get a job soon having tortured you people with this Hypothetical rhetoric I appreciate the chance to fill up some of my time pointing out some thoughts in my head and asking questions to see how others feel


jsantapau said:
I find that statement unsettling on many levels...

is it the politicians or the system that is the farce
I think the short answer is "Yes."

The older I get, the more cynical and suspicious I am becoming of being controlled. I don't have the time to accurately and completely capture it all right now, but maybe this weekend I might put together a list of things.

Perhaps, in a nutshell, I don't like giving away so much of my wages for the myriad of taxes and insurances we're required to pay. I think that most folks and businesses that are out there honestly trying to do the right thing feel like they are being penalized. They want to make it impossible to WANT to do the right thing. I also don't want morality legislated, nor censored (there's a sticky wicket, if ever there was one...), I also don't like being prohibited from enjoying activities that I cannot be given a good reason for (riding, shooting, owning firearms, etc.).

I also freely admit that I have many views that tend to contradict each other. That is one of life's many conundrums. And I just wanted to use the word "conundrums n a sentence today. :)

A friend of mind mentioned "Atlas Shrugs", which I've never read, but did look at the Wiki page on it, to get the gist of it. Interesting stuff with many parallels.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Yep, it's both. The system may (or may not) have been good from the onset but the politicians have changed it into the mess we have today.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
I can't believe I'm even saying this, but... we need to get back to what's honest (or something closer to) and what's logical and makes sense. I may lose my business, may lose my home. But, this next generation DESERVES a future that is optomistic and safe.
The toilets are to the top and they're stinking up the whole house. Time for a flush.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
2-Strokes 4-ever said:
The toilets are to the top and they're stinking up the whole house. Time for a flush.
Now that I can fix! Gerber power flush, and quit trying to flush depends? And, get an exhaust fan. Obama will start the road to recovery, or send the world down the toilet. It is not going to be pretty, but needs to be done. If Barack is a US citizen or not, he does seem to be the best candidate for the job? Lets see the cards fly, and where they land?


Well, it's a well known fact that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as the Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows. So who's in this Pentavirate? The Queen, the Vatican, the Gettys, the Rothschilds, and Colonel Sanders before he went tets-up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee beady eyes! And that smug look on his face, "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!" How can I hate the Colonel? Because he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes ya crave it fortnightly!


Damn Yankees
May 14, 2000
Solution; Government Reform

I Havn't actually done the math, but it was estimated that with the first 700 billion "buy-out" package,.. if distributed amoung all tax paying americans over the age of 18, would have yielded aprox $450,000 per person,... that would have solved the economy crisis,.. and then some. (We'd all be half-millionaires)

Now there talking about printing off another 800 billion in fake money. :yikes:
(hmm,. I though counterfieting was illegal)

Government reform,...

"We The People" need to get our country back


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Shaw520 said:
Solution; Government Reform

I Havn't actually done the math, but it was estimated that with the first 700 billion "buy-out" package,.. if distributed amoung all tax paying americans over the age of 18, would have yielded aprox $450,000 per person,... that would have solved the economy crisis,.. and then some. (We'd all be half-millionaires)

Musta been a congressman that came up with that gem.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
How much of an uproar would there have been if the $450,000 per tax payer was distributed in that manner and those that draw from the well were left with what they have? :)


Damn Yankees
May 14, 2000
Patman said:
How much of an uproar would there have been if the $450,000 per tax payer was distributed in that manner and those that draw from the well were left with what they have? :)

That's called cleaning house... :nod:

It might just be me,... but at some point they should realize that spending more is not helping.
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2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Shaw520 said:
Government reform,...

"We The People" need to get our country back
I totally agree, but the scary thing is, perhaps "letting it all fall" is the only way people will see that reform is needed. Monopoly money is not real.

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