James Stewart a very interesting interview


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
How much could REALLY GOOD teachers make, if there were no public school system?


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
ericz103 said:
Our culture values the wrong things?

It does, but that's not the reason for huge pay differences. It really is about supply and demand. JBS can make a lot of money, because there is only one of him (supply) and there are a lot of people (demand)that want to see him.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Patman said:
James I am quite sure Tiger earns more than $10M and I'm not for it either. Of course I'd also like to see a little comparison of how these two use what they have to do for others.
What they do for others has nothing to do with it. Their talents are their business and through demonstration of their skills along with some good marketing/negotiation...they are very profitable businesses.

There are thousands of people graduating medical schools every year. Just because they put in the time doesn't mean they should get paid like a pro athlete. If they develop a good practice, they will make millions upon millions of dollars over a 40+ year career and not suffer with the same lingering injuries that a top athlete would.

There is only one James Stewart, and I doubt his pro career lasts much longer than 10 years.

In addition, there are many doctors, teachers, cops, etc that just disappear in the system, don't do squat, scam medicare, and collect a paycheck. A good number of them should be fired or locked up in my opinion. I doubt many pro athletes can just show up and collect a check for very long.

No big point to be missed or understood here really...same old tired argument about who deserves what. My opinion is some poor kid who wrecked his body to be the best in the sport deserves his wealth far more than some dime-a-dozen rich guys kid who drank his way through med school and runs patients through a turn-style to rack up the office visit premiums from the insurance company.

This is the problem with a lot of "public servants." They act like they go into these professions for the greater good and then join unions (should be illegal) and moan about their pay (often better than the private sector) for 40 years until they retire with nice pensions and health benefits.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Oh I see so since a pro athalete has a shorter career that justifies a higher pay? :laugh:

Still missing the big picture but that's not really a big suprise in the land of pay me now and I promise to perform later.... if something doesn't come up.... or I don't get a better offer.....:laugh:

And yes it really should matter what those with a big public profile and equally large payday do to help others. See it shows a lot about the person that they are. Oh sure that doesn't matter in the supply and demand free market, or maybe it does.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Patman said:
Oh I see so since a pro athalete has a shorter career that justifies a higher pay? :laugh:

Still missing the big picture but that's not really a big suprise in the land of pay me now and I promise to perform later.... if something doesn't come up.... or I don't get a better offer.....:laugh:

And yes it really should matter what those with a big public profile and equally large payday do to help others. See it shows a lot about the person that they are. Oh sure that doesn't matter in the supply and demand free market, or maybe it does.

A person working in the private sector shouldn't have to justify their pay. If the market won't support it, it won't get paid. Pretty simple self regulating system actually.

Please, for the sake of clarity, sum up the "big picture" in a sentence or two so we know what the point is.

In your opinion it should matter, but why should you or anyone else be able to impose "values" on JBS. I am sure he pays more than his share of taxes and lives by the code of laws society has imposed upon him. Beyond that, what he does is his choice...and shouldn't be subject to the whims of those who think they know better. You can't, or maybe shouldn't, impose "charity" upon other people. He doesn't owe you anything.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Pro athletes pay is justified as long as there are people that pay to watch them, pay to buy the gear, pay to buy their sponsors product, etc.

I don't care if James does nothing with his money but blow it on bad music CD's. It's his money. He was asked to do a particular function in order to receive that money.

If people want athletes to be paid less and teachers paid more then don't buy the product that puts the money in the athletes coffers and create a private school that can sustain the pay to the teachers.



May 15, 2005
Boy did this conversation get sideracked.

I am not really a jbs fan but you gotta have respect for someone who came up that way. One thing I havent seen mentioned in all this is the fact he is risking alot every time he goes to the line, or even practices for that matter. As for his brashness, that will probably mellow with age. Somewhere down the line I'll bet he and cr become somewhat friends. They certainly have alot in common.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
truespode said:
I don't care if James does nothing with his money but blow it on bad music CD's. It's his money.
I heard he spent it on liquor and whores.

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Jul 23, 2002
Ask David Bailey or Ernesto Fonseca if it's worth the risk.They are putting their lives at risk all day every day.I say it's worth whatever they can get someone to pay them.I'm done here.


Aug 8, 2000
What disgusts me is the extreme unequality in pay between the top pros and the guys filling up the start gate. Yes, the guys who excel and win should be compensated accordingly. But, and it's a big but, the guys just trying to make the night show should be getting some cash too. It's a shame to go broke chasing a dream while others are making more money than they know what to do with (Bubba's interview on RacerX said he was probably going to go blow his $50000 bonus on the blackjack tables. Why not go help out the guys struggling to make the night show who have a tough time paying entry fees?). It'd be pretty cool to see a top guy finally show some class and help out the guys who've made it possible for him to make a great living racing dirt bikes.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Having a very limited view and trying to make everything fit in very neat segments with hard lines just proves up that instead of wasting a bunch of time typing something that obviously is not going to get understood I'll leave it be.


Nov 10, 2008
rheighes said:
As for his brashness, that will probably mellow with age. Somewhere down the line I'll bet he and cr become somewhat friends. They certainly have alot in common.

what I think is funny is that if you took all of the egos, brashness,cockiness,whinyness and take out moves, of the top 5 racers and added them up together it probably wouldn't fill a pinky finger on Bob Hanna. He is one of my "heroes" and an icon in the sport because he never sweet talked anything .He would blurt out anything that pissed him off and then come hell or high water try to prove it on the track. he swore he owned any track he was on and anybody else on the track was just cannon fodder.

But since television opened a faster ,wider spread audience with maybe quite a few people who aren't really interested in MX or bikes in general that happened to stumble upon it while channel surfing. These new guys probably have to take courses in political correctness in their speeches to be able to please all of their sponsors without offending someone else. Compared to the audience of those who aren't lucky enough to be able to get to the track where the race is at and having to wait a week or month to buy a motorcycle publication so they can read about it like it was in the "old days"
May 10, 2007
patman i *think* i understand what you are saying and in a way i agree. 10 million dollars is a lot of money for any one person to have. and i dont know if he would compete to the same standard if his 10 million became 100k. personally i hope he would but i honestly cant say that i know. also i think that if he is performing his job (winning races) then why shouldnt he be paid however much money his employers are willing to pay.

***of course if im wrong totally discard that.***

you said it is harder to become a doctor then a pro-athlete. in a way it is. it costs more. there are massive student loans combined with years of school. (more so if you specialize in something) then you have to start a practice which can take years to get going. but at the same time to be a pro-athlete you need to have talent. w/o talent there is only so far that you can go. in school everyday i hear people telling kids that you can be anything you want...that is BS.

PS as i wrote that first part i have been watching the SX championships in Las Vegas and saw RC pop up. i looked up his salary and saw one site estimated that he earned 8-10million in the last year (article was written in 2006 so in 2005)

PPS you said that i judged you by one post and that is not true. i used 2 :nener: really though i was probably wrong in doing that.

PPPS the "purse" idea would probably be the best idea.

EVEN MORE POST SCRIPTING: and i was just thinking and patman, you kinda sound like my dad there. he always says the 16 year olds know everything too. sure your name isnt rayman??
Last edited:
Dec 31, 2008
flyingfuzzball said:
patman i *think* i understand what you are saying and in a way i agree. 10 million dollars is a lot of money for any one person to have. and i dont know if he would compete to the same standard if his 10 million became 100k. personally i hope he would but i honestly cant say that i know. also i think that if he is performing his job (winning races) then why shouldnt he be paid however much money his employers are willing to pay.

***of course if im wrong totally discard that.***

you said it is harder to become a doctor then a pro-athlete. in a way it is. it costs more. there are massive student loans combined with years of school. (more so if you specialize in something) then you have to start a practice which can take years to get going. but at the same time to be a pro-athlete you need to have talent. w/o talent there is only so far that you can go. in school everyday i hear people telling kids that you can be anything you want...that is BS.

PS as i wrote that first part i have been watching the SX championships in Las Vegas and saw RC pop up. i looked up his salary and saw one site estimated that he earned 8-10million in the last year (article was written in 2006 so in 2005)

PPS you said that i judged you by one post and that is not true. i used 2 :nener: really though i was probably wrong in doing that.

PPPS the "purse" idea would probably be the best idea.

EVEN MORE POST SCRIPTING: and i was just thinking and patman, you kinda sound like my dad there. he always says the 16 year olds know everything too. sure your name isnt rayman??

as far as going pro, i agree, but i also disagree. I agree in how hard and difficult it is etc. and yes you need natural talent, there are some people that are athletic, and there are those that arent. The key to becoming pro is starting young, very young, so that by the time you are 20 years old you have 15 years of experience vs the guy who started riding when he was 18. I think any kid that is naturally athletic that starts riding young and is committed etc and puts in the work (which is fun thats why we ride right?) can go pro. it really just comes down to all those years of practice. as far as being the best top dog JBS or CR mcgrath hannah etc. THAT is what requires everything i have said, plus the natural talent.
not too mention opportunity, where the child comes from, rich or poor, support from parents etc. stewart was poor, but had he not had a father around to give him the support, oportunity, and influence that he did i doubt he would have accomplished what he has. So i would also say that plays a huge part in becoming pro as well. not every kid gets to have thier own track, foam pit, etc. and the advantage of having your own track for your kid to ride on everyday is huge.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Hey, I know this is WAY off topic but did anyone see the chicken shirt move that Chad Reed put on Bubba Saturday night? It looked like he rode ten yards out of his way to send Bubba through the blocks. Pretty sad display of sportsmanship, IMO.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
BadgerMan said:
Hey, I know this is WAY off topic but did anyone see the chicken shirt move that Chad Reed put on Bubba Saturday night? It looked like he rode ten yards out of his way to send Bubba through the blocks. Pretty sad display of sportsmanship, IMO.

It was a little bit of payback for all the years Bubba has done that stuff.

I still remember Bubba's 125 days where he was taking out lappers.

I don't like either one of them but all things considered what Reed did was small. I've seen more contact fighting for the Yoplait Yogurt at the local Grocery Store.

Heck, Travis Pastrana hit RC harder than that one year... everyone boo'd RC because Pastrana went down even though he initiated the contact.



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
truespode said:
I've seen more contact fighting for the Yoplait Yogurt at the local Grocery Store.

Well ya' gotta move fast when they put that stuff on sale....the raspberry always sells out first. ;)


Jul 12, 2008
truespode said:
Heck, Travis Pastrana hit RC harder than that one year... everyone boo'd RC because Pastrana went down even though he initiated the contact.




May 3, 2008
To see him race or ride in person is amazing. He just pushes so hard all the time. He goes out and gives it all he's got and its awe-inspiring.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
jackflack44 said:
To see him race or ride in person is amazing. He just pushes so hard all the time. He goes out and gives it all he's got and its awe-inspiring.

He didn't give his all Saturday night and was about as inspiring as a stadium full of nuns washing clothes in a river with rocks.



Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
jessica456 said:
i love james he is an amazing dirt bike rider

Yes he normally is.

But Saturday night he was more of an average rider out there who lacked any sense of killer instinct that true champions have.

Both him and Reed were boring to watch and it was obvious they did not put all they had into it.

I don't care to watch that. I would rather watch Tedesco and Windham battle it out because at least they put in all they could on Saturday night.

I am glad Bubbles isn't riding outdoors if that is as hard as he planned on riding. At least we'll see some real racing now.



May 23, 2000
truespode said:
Yes he normally is.

But Saturday night he was more of an average rider out there who lacked any sense of killer instinct that true champions have.

Both him and Reed were boring to watch and it was obvious they did not put all they had into it.

I don't care to watch that. I would rather watch Tedesco and Windham battle it out because at least they put in all they could on Saturday night.

I am glad Bubbles isn't riding outdoors if that is as hard as he planned on riding. At least we'll see some real racing now.


What would your opinion have been of James if he had pushed hard for the win, wrecked hard and handed over the championship to Reed? Should he have possibly sacrificed the championship for entertainment's sake? While it wasn't the most exciting race I've ever watched, I certainly don't fault the guy for doing what it takes to ensure he goes home with the number 1 plate.

As far as the debate on pay...the bottom line is that James is the central figure in a sport that draws 10's of thousands of people to venues across the country week after week. I don't care if you're playing tic-tac-toe, if you can get 30 or 40 thousand people to come watch you do it every weekend, you deserve to make some dough.

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