
Jul 5, 2001
I can't stand it.I can't play sports.My life is totally dull till my thumb heals.The problem is I'm not sure if the feeling of wanting to ride will come back.Right now I have lost all interest of it.I used to could not stay away, but it just all seemed like it slipped away.What happens next?If the bike in the shop disappeared with all my gear would I miss it?Right now I don't think I would.If I was told I couldn't ever ride again would I care?I don't think I would.I used to love it, but now I don't.Will this feeling pass?Right now I'm going to hang on to my stuff and see if the urge and feeling to ride comes back, but if it don't I guess I'm out.The urge to play football and baseball are still there, but dirtbikes is not for now.:(


Oct 19, 2000
I go through the same type of scenario about twice a year. I haven't ridden my bike since march but am going to ride next weekend. If the interest isn' t there maybe it's not for you. But if you are anything like me the desire to ride will return again. Hang in there.



Jul 3, 2001
Two of my good riding buddies recently sold all of their stuff saying that they wern't interested anymore. Like leeinmemphis said, maybe its not for you. I thought my freinds would stay with it because everytime we went out riding, they were having so much fun. But as the season wore on, they started acting like they wanted to just go home. Me personally, cant see myself leaving this sport. If I were in your shoes I would go for 1 more ride, just to see if you still love it:)

P.S. stick with it!!


Apr 28, 2000
Its really odd but I feel the same way. I haven't rode my bike for almost 3 weeks(mainly because of school, football, and work). I have been on the go constantly. Then today I wake up, its a beautiful day, and best of all I have no commitments! Hmmmmm, to clean the bike or ride it? Took me a while to decide, but I figured there was no use in having a clean bike that never gets ridden. The funny thing was I was more or less pushing myself to ride, and deep down inside I didn't really have the desire to throw a leg over the CR. I thought that once I would get to the track I would change my mind. But before I had a change to load up, the family put me in a bad mood, and now both sides of me wanted to stay home. I hardly ever want to ride anymore. Before riding is what I wanted to do all the time. The money I would earn would go to the bank and then be invested in a newer bike. I don't know if it is the 125 I am tired of and need to replace it with a 250, or I am just tired of riding. It seems like a muscle car would be more fun at this point.

I think the problem is I have no riding friends to keep things interesting. My brother keeps his bike at the back of the shed, and it isn't exactly track material(it is a kd80 after all), the guy I mainly rode with broke his arm in summer, and his brother still hasn't replaced the head gasket in his can am. There is one guy in my school that races, but I don't know him. It would be nice if I did. My friend is his neighbor, and apparently they are supposed to have a really nice track on their farm.

I'll probably end up hanging on to my stuff as well.


Nov 26, 2000
just get one of those motocross videos, when I feel the need for riding slipping away I just watch that and I find something I can do without both hands leaving the bars;) But I can also easly see where your coming from, just got to see which trail you want to take with it. later

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
Maybe what you need is a change in scenery, and your just in a rut. Give yourself something to look forward to; plan a trip to the mountains or something and tear up some new terrain. It might be just the spark you need. Camp'n out, ride'n, and hanging out with friends and family in the wilderness; how can you beat it?? :cool:


Dec 25, 1999
The sad thing is I know exactly what you are feeling. I like riding. I just don't have the motivation to do it. It started 2 and a half months ago when it was 95 degrees out every day for about 4 weeks. I didn' t ride in that except one morning at about 6:30 when it was 75 degrees out. Then I did some work to it and had to rejet (wait for jets to come in to the shop). Then I rode it a little. Now I have school, so I am either at school, at CC practice, or working. Sunday rolls around and I suddenly have so many other fun things to do that riding gets put to the end of the list.

I guess I need a change of scenery too. Maybe I will go ride on my mx track sometime this week. Oh, I almost forgot, its homecomming I need to work on a float for the parade and work on some other stuff. Oh yeah, my friends and I are going to get together and have a bonfire at my house and burn our float when it is through the parade. I better build that too. Too little time.........

Maybe next week.


Jul 24, 1999
Sorry, I can't help you with this. I turn 48 next week, and all I think about is riding. I ride at least once a week all year long. No matter what the weather is.

I'm starting to get worried about what I'll do when my knees get so bad I can't ride. But I've got it figured out. I'll sit more! :)


Sep 10, 2001
I start thinking about the next ride on the way home. Especially after the
long hot summer, only one ride in Colo.
Singletracker how was draper i gave up on it 10 years ago, too dangerous
people partying first riding second and no trail directions marked


Aug 5, 2001
When I was in HS, I really got out of riding. It wasn't until after school, and after I grew up and matured, that I really started to appreciate getting out and riding again.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
I thought once that I'd get tired of riding, but here's what happened.
I was in a rut, riding the same trail every weekend, then I got on DRN. I hooked up with my good bud dennis (SPD) and we rode the same trail I've been riding, but this time it seemed different somehow. Then I met other friends (bill hibbs, rwcwoh) and it got even better. Then I tried some new trail that I hadn't ridden before and it was instant fun. I've met even more people from around the area (JimmyD2, erac, Magnus, squad36_70 and curt, Jewell, Firemedic530, Dave Cash, eric and shaun) and it just keeps getting better. People are what makes this sport what it is. After going to dirtweek and hanging out with 160+ people who think like I do, I can say I'm in it for life, now get out there and ride..


Mar 25, 2001
Going riding as a way to get away from it all after a long week at work and it is something I look forward to from Monday till I hit the door Friday. Sometimes i get tired of riding the same track and just make myself go and I always have a good time when I get there.

After spending 3 days at Dirt Week at that awesome track in Il it just wasn't the same when we went riding today. The track was dry as a rock, rutted from the MX race 3 weeks ago and hasn't been touched since and few jumps were developing kickers and it was pretty unsafe all the way around. So, we decided to get some good photo ops off one of the only good jumps and a nice berm turn. Then we worked on our starts for about an hour just batteling each other to the first turn and keeping score to see who got the most holeshots. Turned out to be a blast even if we did not get to just pound out the laps on the track.

Just mixing it up a little maks all the difference.


Jan 1, 2001
I have to say that after a year of riding I am still as into it as ever. Maybe it’s because I have never liked cars or much of anything else for that matter. Sometimes it’s hard to get motivated to go ride, but that’s because I have ridden everywhere I can get to in my neighborhood. It may be that I am just motorcycle obsessed. Bman, gibbs, you guys just give it time. DO NOT SELL your bikes! You may just regret it. If you must just put them up. The urge to ride may take months to come back, but when it does you will want to kill yourself for selling your bike. Just my thoughts.

Lee Wilson


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
After seeing first hand the kind of humanity and good will I witnessed at DW01 my desire to stay in the sport is stronger than ever. I can't tell you yours will come back nor can I imagine my garage having cars in it, but I will tell you this, Dirtbiking is more than just a sport, I found that out 2 weeks ago in Illinois.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Once you've healed up, take another look at it. :D


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Come on over to my place. Step out in the garage.....:think smells like........SUPERCROSS! Mmmmmm, every day when I leave for work I get a whiff of all those good smells and then want to stay home to ride and not work:( But that's why I have to go. That and the new house and all the stuff it now needs. HEY! Knock it off your depressing me!!!

I also think in time you will change your mind.:D


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by Truespode
Not everyone has to be hardcore. Some can be normal... or as normal as possible.
Trouble is figuring out what "normal" is. ;)

I go in cycles as well. Right now, motorcycles are on the back burner. My other interests (hunting) are taking up my time, but I do have to get back on the bike one of these days.

berm buster

Apr 17, 2001
dont leave the sport

We all get in those ruts from time to time, but it will pass.
Usually when that happens, I just pop in some videos of Carmichael,
Pastrana, etc, at what ever track they are racing on, and then something
really strange happens!
I get this incredibly strong urge to go out to the garage and just look at my
bike, then it gets worse, I start looking at the bolts and all of the adjustments
the chain, etc, etc, and then before you know it , I HAVE to go ride NOW!!!
I cant hardly wait to get to the track.

If no one else happens to be there, no problem. I will take a couple of
things that I want to work on, say double jumps, or whoops, and I will
do each of them several different ways and rhythms, different speeds
body positions, throttle positions, approach speeds, and so on and so on.
I find that I really enjoy being on the track by myself, Its like my own
track for my use! And I think how lucky can you get!

You can really get better and better, when you get a chance to do different
techniques over and over till you get them just right.

I think that could be one reason why people decide to get out of this sport, they just
dont have the time to get really good at riding, lets face it, to be good in this
sport, you have GOT to put time in on the bike, and the track.
And the better you get at doing all of the multitude of techniques, that is
Motocross, the riding gets to be more and more FUN!

Sometimes, I dont even get to the house, and I am already planning my next
ride and the different things I want to work on.
So, leave the bike in the garage, just let it sit there, it wont bother you,
and then think back about the time you got the technique just right!
You nailed it, you didnt think you would ever get it but you did.
And hopefully before you know it, you will want to get back on the bike
and go ride!
Keep the good thoughts.


Nov 8, 2000
back for more

I can relate to these guys,

When I was in highschool I rode EVERY day after school. although we rode as much for transportation as much as fun. we always had a blast busting out and seeing who could turn the fast time through a rough section of ground or around our homemade track. When I turned 16 I sold all of my junker bikes (84 CR-80, RS-175) and put my time an energy into my car and getting laid. Now that all that kids stuff has worn off (and now I have a steady GF) I was ready to focus on riding again. I felt like that teenager again when I threw my leg over my 97 CR-250 and cranked it up. The smell of the premix and the popping of the exhaust brought back all those memories from way I just have to talk all my buddies into buying bikes again:).....all in all.....the urge to Ride always returns!


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Truespode! Who you callin' normal? My real name is Abby, Abby Normal.:confused:


Jul 5, 2001
Whoa another blow to my riding best riding buddy tore his acl tonight:( playing football with me standing on the sidelines.Even once I heal I doubt I will ride much or at all with nobody to ride with.The only good thing I got out of this is that I will have somebody to talk to while sitting and watching practice and the games.I ought to be back a week from now though with a cast.:think


Oct 28, 1999
I was getting seriously depressed until ST500 stepped up and instilled a little SANITY to this thread!
I can't ride every week, but I THINK about riding all day long.
And I do ride as often as possible, or work on my bike or read DRN,RMD, WoodsRacer, Extreme, etc.
Although I do allow other priority matters to occupy my daily activities (family, work, etc.).
But there is a time in life where other things will/should become your focus, it is only now in the last 2-3 years that I have rekindled my interest in riding.(now that I can afford it!)
Build yourself a good life, and let riding or whatever interest/hobby that you have be enjoyable and fulfilling.


Oct 9, 2000
You will get bitten by the bug again. It happens every winter for me. No riding for a month at a time, then I force myself to go and I am hooked. As ling as it is not freezing outside, I make a point to ride 2 days most weeks. 5 hours on saturday and 3 on a weeknight. With that plan you will never loose interest. Try it!


Nov 15, 1999
Ya, my friend and i had the same thing happen to us. It was weird because it was the begining of the summer and we hardly rode the entire summer. We started getting into off-roading with trucks. We were so close to just giving up dirtbiking it wasn't even funny! Then, a few months ago we started ridding again, and man, it's like 20 times more fun than it was before we took a break! We don't have to force ourselfs to go riding and are always anxious to go. I think sometimes you just need a break and expose yourself to new things. I'm telling you though, when you "come back" it will be more fun and you'll get all the old feallings back.

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