MX547 & Sawblade's River Valley MX Race Report


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
This past Saturday, July 8, I returned to the race track at River Valley MX in Watts, OK for the first time since breaking three ribs and bruising my left lung last summer. MX547 was also in attendance and this was the first time we raced together in the same class. Well, I was in the plus 40 class with MX547, but he did the racing for the Heartland Spodes. My main focus was making it through the night without adding to my injury list. See the broken ribs/bruised lung all happen 100 ft. out of the starting gate. Believe it or not it was my main competition that took me out.

Our class was combined with the plus 30 A and B classes with a double gate drop for the 30A guys, then the 30B and over 40 gang. For the first moto I lined up second to the outside as I just wanted to let the pack go before I dropped the hammer on the big RMZ. The plus 40 pack was gone so I battled with some of the plus 30 guys before that big purple gorilla jumped on my back and slowed me from a tortoise pace to a snails pace.

The second moto was the same gate drop with me on the outside. MX547 dropped to the inside at the entrance of the first turn and I believe came out in second. I flat tracked it around the outside in virgin tilled dirt only to be cut of as the pack drifted to the outside of the first turn. No doubt they were pushed by MX547dive to the inside! :) In the second corner a rider went down that caused me to lose some time. I passed one rider in the back section and rode the rest of the moto by myself.

I had a great time hanging out with MX547 and being at the track for the first time in 10 months to race. The next race is in two weeks and I’m going to work on corners and building confidence around other rides so I don’t handicap myself on the start.

This was also the first race I took my TM75 to the track as a pit bike. To say it was conversation piece would be an understatement. This was my very first bike that my Dad bought for me 28 years ago. All MX547 keep saying was “How cool is that!” How cool indeed! :nod:
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Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
good to see you back on the track tim. i had a great time also. i wish some of the other spodes would join in the fun.

i don't think i actually pushed anyone to the outside. i think they just heard the screaming two-stroke and thought i was going to plow them. :yikes:

i love that track. i hope they don't change it too much. i'll definitely be there for the july 22 race.

and yes, the tm75 is awesome.

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