
Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
i met with the doc today. monday i go in for surgery. a few screws in the ankle and an external fixator on the lower leg. two months with the fixator followed by a month wearing a boot. looks like no riding at dirtweek for me. :ugg:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
MX547, I had the same thing in 98. I still sleep in the same position to this day. At least in a week or so you will be able to get out of the house. I drove my wife's F150 without much problem. Getting in and out was the worst of it. Hope you can get back to work in the office for a while. It will help your attitude. The fixator sux BIG TIME. Who is your Doc?


Apr 14, 2001
Welcome to the tin-man club. I have a screw holding my rotator cuff in place. Sounds as though bswift has a few screws as well (but they might be loose screws... ...just kiddin' bswift...) holding his ankle together.

Bswift it looks as though mx547 won't be making anymore of the Thunder Series. (But as well as he did in the first three rounds, he will still have a spot on the podium when the Thunder Series awards banquet rolls around this Fall...) Do you think you will be able to make a few rounds of the Thunder Series? The next race is on Aug 10th and the one after that is on Aug 24th. Let me know...


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
i'm already titanium equipped (left arm). :D my doctor is dr. lussenhop of claremore. seems real bright and straightforward, no b.s., no anti-bike lectures. i can't imagine a fixator being worse than a cast. i'm so sick of casts that i was actually happy when he said fixator. i had one cast on for twenty weeks so this should be a breeze compared to that. i went back to work yesterday. first time i've looked forward to going to work in years.

motox757, i might enter the remaining races and just take last place points. :confused: i guess i could sit at the finish line and putt across at the checkered flag. that would also give me more chances to win the new bike.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I could come ride your bike and wear your gear......they'd never know it wasn't you. ;)


Jul 23, 2002
8 weeks off? what a fluke! ;)
I'm out for 6...months, that is. Cool uh? Seeing summer go by slooowly. Oh yeah, that's because of 6 shoulder dislocations in the past year, so I went in for surgery on july 11th. Pretty much painless...but oh so long (because of the lack of pain...I almos feel like I could ride)...I won't be riding before december... :scream:
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Oct 15, 1999
I am replying to those that were commenting on the difficulty of the track obstacles today with experienced riders getting hurt more frequently.

The section that these guys got hurt on is a tricky section and has caused a many care flight delays all summer long. However, I jumped through that section many a times, came up short, over jumped, you name it, I did it...never crashed though...never got injured either.

They both had freak accidents, plain and simple. This could have happened on even the smallest of doubles.

At another DFW track (WeatherfordMX) there are two sets of triples that require perfect timing and a lot of speed to clear properly. If you even overjump slightly or sort of comeup short it is the most violent landing you could imagine. It sucks. I consider myself a decent B rider, but I am not the smartest rider out there. The last time I was there, I cased those stupid triples no fewer than 7 or 8 times through out the night, the last time I knew I broke both ankles which had already been severely weaked from previous casings earlier in the night. I didn't crash on any of them. I knew it was bad, It was the last lap so I rolled to the finish and only lost a couple positions, not bad since I couldn't stand up and still had a whoop section to traverse through.

Anyway, I just severly sprained both ankles...lucky for me my day job just requires me to prop my dumb self in front of a computer all day. So not all was lost, but I was able to walk right for a month.

Moral of the story. I won't go back to Weathorford MX. Because I am to stubborn to not attempt those triples again, and risk trashing my ankles again. I did time and time again that night knowing full well the next one could be the end of it all.

Tracks don't hurt people, dumb riding hurts people....or something like that.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Originally posted by Zero
The section that these guys got hurt on is a tricky section and has caused a many care flight delays all summer long

Tracks don't hurt people, dumb riding hurts people....or something like that.

Seems like those two statements are a contradiction.........I have never heard Jay or Gene blame the track. They're not that type of people. Both are good riders and even better people. I personally am a little tweeked that you seem to feel it's neccasary to put them down and /or lump them together with people who ride over their heads. Neither of these guys do. A few of us have nick named MX547 (Jay's his real name) Coach 547, He's taught me what little I know about MX. I will continue to listen to him.

Your statement that tracks don't hurt people is more than a little off. There are tracks that are more dangerous than others. This danger is uneccasary.


Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by justql

Seems like those two statements are a contradiction.........

Not really. Tracks can be unsafe, there is no question about it. But you make the decision to traverse the obstacles at speeds that could make them less safe than a slower speed. These particular obstacles were tricky enough to that I saw many people crash really hard from endo's and what not. I don't think these jumps were unsafe, they were just not for everyone.

I have never heard Jay or Gene blame the track. They're not that type of people. Both are good riders and even better people. I personally am a little tweeked that you seem to feel it's neccasary to put them down and /or lump them together with people who ride over their heads.

I never accused them of riding over their heads. That was me I was making that accusation about myself. I think I said they had freak accidents and that could have happened anywhere from the way they have described the incidents. I feel for both of them. It just happened at a notoriously bad spot. I know both of them as well, and I would hope they didn't take my post that way. I was trying to make the correlation between bad track design causing accidents verses bad riding decisions causing accidents in relation to this particular section on the track.

Your statement that tracks don't hurt people is more than a little off. There are tracks that are more dangerous than others. This danger is uneccasary.

I agree some tracks are very dangerous, however its hard to argue that the danger is only as serious as you make it as a rider.

It the face of a jump is full of ruts, pot holes, rocks or could call that unafe and dangerous. If the landing has a sink hole, or a tree stump or something around could call that unsafe and dangerous. However, a tricky SX style section that has smooth jump faces, smooth landings and looks easier than it really is...can also be called unsafe and dangerous. Its a matter of perception.

Many of the jump faces and landings at Shady Grove IMO are very dangerous.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Originally posted by justql
I personally am a little tweeked that you seem to feel it's neccasary to put them down and /or lump them together with people who ride over their heads. Neither of these guys do. A few of us have nick named MX547 (Jay's his real name) Coach 547, He's taught me what little I know about MX. I will continue to listen to him.

Your statement that tracks don't hurt people is more than a little off. There are tracks that are more dangerous than others. This danger is uneccasary.

I don't see any need for anyone to get upset about it, I was there that night with Jay & Gene. Sure none of us were too excited about what happened but I wouldn't say that any of us were riding over our heads, it's just the jump was less forgiving than the rest of them out there. There are always the "what if's" but there was obviously little room for error on this jump since so many people got hurt on it. Is it the tracks fault? Perhaps. Will they fix it? Don't know. Will I try it next time? Probably.


May 8, 2001
zero is right. the the particular jump was not i repeat not dangerous. im my case, i landed on with my right foot not centered on the peg. kinda on the ball of my foot. this let my heel drop below the peg on the landing. as the suspension bottomed my heel was lower than the frame rail and the weight (force) rammed my heel causing the injury. as it stood, my left ankle got a good jolt and i imagine that is all that would of happened to my right ankle if my foot was properly on the peg. it would of happened on any g-out flat landing. ive just never had my heel in the wrong place at the wrong time.

as for jay, he cased it and had no help from the suspension. the area that he cased on was very small. that being very hard to do. the landing area was good and it wasnt peaked at all.

heck, we didnt even crash.

just risk that we took. for me it has been 10yrs moto/dirt with never a more serious injury than a sprained ankle. injuries are part of it.

i repeat that village creek is safe. it is more technical than a table top track but that is ok. i like techinical. i prefer it. most of the time the speeds are slower.

zero is right about risk assesment. its the responsibility of the rider not to do something they cant do. the dirttrack with no obsticals is called an oval and i see people on the ground all of the time. the jump in question is not difficult to double and those who can go big find it an easy triple.

plain and simple.............its my moms fault for coming to see me race hehe.

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