
Oct 10, 2004
I've been thinking about getting a dirt bike for a while now. I ride my mountain bike at the trails just east of the dirtbike trails out at Draper. Sure looks fun! I'm stationed out at Tinker AFB. What's a good bike to get for riding out there are the trails and maybe trying a little MX as well? I was looking at maybe buying a used CR250. I'm about 6'1" and around 200 pounds. I just want to get a good all around bike for riding here in Oklahoma. Something with enough power to haul me around, but I don't need anything outrageous! I've never rode a dirtbike before. I have owned a couple of street cruiser motorcycles before. What do most of you other Okies ride? Also, I see a lot of posts about dirtweek. Is that here in Oklahoma somewhere? Matt


Dec 10, 2002
KC, Welcome to DirtRider. As for bikes... I would probably suggest a 250 2 stroke if you plan on doing MX also. If your plans are to ride Draper mostly with the occasional track day you could look for WR (probably a 400 or 426). Or if you decide you will not ride the track at all then pick up a nice XR400 these are awesome bikes to get started with and really they will take you anywhere. Plus the maintence is pretty light so you can get introduced to that side of dirtbikes gradually.

oh Dirtweek is held every year in Stillwater OK at CooperLand.


Aug 12, 2004
Okay, If you want a 2 stroke that will work both on the trails and on the track you should look at the KDX 200 or 220. If you need more information about this bike just post this same question in the Just kdx Forumn. You will get plenty of opinions about the Best 2 stroke trail bike made there. In the 200 form you get a great little trail bike that is extreamly flickable and will scream with the best of them. In the 220 form you get a tractor that will pull like no other 2 stroke, a mx style frame, and still extreamly flickablle. You can mod these bike from mild to wild and many an enduro type of event has been won on this bike. As you can see I am a partial respondent. I you want a bike to ride on a mx style track there are many better suited. Not to say you can not ride a kdx on a mx track many have done and are doing it. Just it will never be a total mx bike even if you spend $5000.00 over sticker on it.



Oct 10, 2004
Thanks for the replies! The place you guys are talking about in Stillwater, is that the place right at the intersection of highway 51 and I-35? I've seen those guys out there looking like they're having a real good time! I know that when I get a bike, I'll love it. My mountain bike cost around $3,000. Might as well spend that and get something with a motor! Matt


Dec 10, 2002
Nope they have Dirtweek at a different place in Stillwater... Stillwater has three places that I know of. The place on 51&35 (MX), Cooperland (MX), and the 500 (trails and small MX).

Must be a nice mountain bike.


Mar 23, 2000
If you can get up to the Stillwater area, I've got a deal for you. I've got a 220 KDX and a 450 KTM that you can try out. Both have auto-clutches installed in them.
Be warned, everyone that rides the KTM comes back with a BIG grin on their face!


Oct 10, 2004
Thanks for the offer! I might take you up on that sometime! I've been looking into the KDX220. What is an autoclutch? Can the KDX220 handle jumps? Nothing too wild. Do the shocks ever blow out on these things? I might go up to the Little Sahara sand dunes sometime and try something bigger. I'm sure I would do a lot more trails riding than MX, but I might do a little MX for fun sometime. I like to race, but I just like racing for fun. I'm not really out to win. Thanks for any more info! Matt


Dec 14, 2002
I live down here in pampa texas i visit alot of the lakes around the base your stationd at real nice but for a good bike i would recommend the KDX it has ample low end and good top end but with a few mods it will run like a beast with the best of the mx bikes or it can be as tame as a kitten with a few mods.


Dec 16, 2001
hlguthery said:
Nope they have Dirtweek at a different place in Stillwater... Stillwater has three places that I know of. The place on 51&35 (MX), Cooperland (MX), and the 500 (trails and small MX).

Must be a nice mountain bike.

The place at I-35 and 51 is called Area 51. :bang:


Dec 31, 1969
If you want a 2 stroke that will work both on the trails and on the track you should look at the KDX 200 or 220.
Uhhhh... :p


Mar 23, 2000
Midhigh said:
Redbank 51 MX park
I've always heard it refered to as Redbank, too.
Sign on the building says something like 'Area 51 Motocross park (or track)'.
Either way, you can't miss it! ;)
Pay $10 a day there, or $25 for 365 days at the 500... :think:


Aug 12, 2004

You know you want one! Your just jealous, My bikes green and yours is not ha ha ha :laugh: :) :yeehaw:

I saw the carnage from that post over at cdjustkdx it was ugly! :eek:

I did qualify my suggestion

If you want a bike to ride on a mx style track there are many better suited. Not to say you can not ride a kdx on a mx track many have done and are doing it. Just it will never be a total mx bike even if you spend $5000.00 over sticker on it. :nener:


May 8, 2004
my 2 cents....lol

Okay, I think I may be opening up a can of worms here...lol

But first let me ask what kind of Mint. Bike you have??? I use to race while I was over seas in Yokosuka, Japan. I had a Joshua "SO" full suspension. It was loaded, STAR and the works...so ya I know what ya mean when you say 3 grand...lol And your right, you might as well spend the money on something with a motor. So coming from a former rider of leg power here is my 2 cents....get ready worms :nener:

I think you should get a CORF250X, it is the best all around bike made. Now let me tell you why. I have had mine since March and not one problem with it. Now I have had to change a few forks seals due to my own lack of knowledge. But I have learned from my past mistakes, I now have seal savers on. This bike has plenty of power, it's not the hit that two strokes have, but that is a good thing when it comes to riding trails. It puts the power to the ground without alot of the clutch work that a two stroke needs. Now I am no expert...lol anyone here can tell you that. I am just a new rider who is the slowest among the heartland spodes. But coming from the perspective of a new rider, I think a 4 stroke is the way to go. It is very forgiving of mistakes you will make. You won't get much better the the 250XI, just add a skid plate and some bark busters. If you think more power is what you need, then the 450X is coming out soon.

As for using it for some MX. I have had mine to the track here at Dora for some practice. Now I must tell you it scared the hell out of me!!! But I can now do the double and all the step ups with it. The bike has plenty of power to get me around the track and keep up with a couple of friends. It never bottomed out on me either, it also helps to have friends who now how to set up the suspension.

Well there is my opinion. :laugh: You are more than welcome to try it out whenever I am in the area. Good luck with your shopping. Lee


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
craig_enid said:
Be warned, everyone that rides the KTM comes back with a BIG grin on their face!
Anything with a 450 four stroke engine will put a grin on your face! :laugh: At your heighth and weight, a 250 two stroke or 250 four stroke will be a good bike. The 250 four stroke will be tamer and more manageable and the two stroke will give you a work out. Pick your favorite color and buy a bike that is 99 or newer. Be careful of the phrase, "never been raced". When that phrase is used you can probable guess, "never been serviced". Good folks around here hope to see you with a bike soon.
BSwift, defacto president of HS. :moon:
BTW, Okie,.....phfft! :nener:

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