Aug 3, 2006
A few days ago my friend got an 05 yz250f and i have a 05 rmz250. Today we hit the track and i got to ride his bike and i thought i'd do a comparison on them. :ride:

At first glance the Yzf looks noticeable bigger, i think its and optical illusion because of the colors. The bike sits a little taller because the seat is extremely stiff. It seems very long and rides much like a tank, it feels noticably heavier and does not corner nearly as well. The bike rips but almost hits to hard to ride fast for my style. I often felt myself leaning over the handle bars just so i wasn't wheelieing. the track was pretty soft and i got alot of traction, plus he had a new tire on so that may have helped. The engine pulls your arms off and respondes extremely fast.

The Rmz looks a tad smaller, but you sit a little lower, giving you a better feel of control. the seat is alot softer and the pegs seem to be positioned farther back. the bike isn't as long and its seems like you can throw it around more. I do also have proaction suspension on mine thats is valved for my weight so that could have helped with the feel of the bike, but just the riding position felt better. the bike feels much more nimble than big blue, and feels much more controlable. I could whip this bike a little more and throw it around better. The engine has a little more controllable power but does not nearly crack like the yzf, so you do have to lay on the throttle a little more in some spots. The gears seem to have a broader range, i don't know why, but 2nd gear seems longer.

overall, i like my rmz better because=

1. i own one :)

2. it fits my controlling riding style

3. i need bragging rights over my friends

i hope this would help anyone thinking about buying a thumper and take what you need out of it

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