
Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Okay so here is my problem. I think the last time I changed my tranny oil I overfilled it. I rode it for one practice last week and just ran it a little bit tonight and I noticed that there is black sludge and small amounts of oil around the gear shifter seal and around that area, maybe a little bit around the sproket.

Now I pulled the check bolt and oil came spewin out, some im sure it was overfilled. But my question is, is this normal? Can the pressure of me over filling it just cause a little bit of seepage? And now that the excess is out it's gone?

Is it normal to have small amount of goo around that area of the bike, ie. gear shifter, sproket etc....

I have always noticed that that partictular area of the bike is dirty, but I just noticed a bit of wetness today.

Im hoping it's just a normal occurance and that maybe it's pressure relief but im just checking. But I usally get the same amout of oil I put in at each change.

thanks in advance!

ps. I use bel-ray gear saver and the bike is a 2001 CR250
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Why not put the correct amount of oil in and see what happens?
Besides, the 200-300 cc's that won't be used makes for a great flush.



Jan 22, 2002
make sure the vent hose isnt plugged also . that and the fact that your chain lube could be what is slinging the slop in that area.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Because jaybird I do measure the oil I put in. And the manual does say check the "check bolt" when the oil stops dripping it's at the right amount. But I second guessed myself and topped it off after my last practice. The oil has one ride on it, I don't see a point to changing it. And I don't even see a tranny overflow hose. I have the crank breather hose and that's all I see from the bottom end.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by jmics19067
make sure the vent hose isnt plugged also .

Theres your ticket CR. A clogged breather will cause your case pressure to rise and seep oil out your seals. I over filled my tranny by a few CC's once and she bleed from the breather after my first ride on fresh oil. I thought I had blown my rear shock but on closer inspection it was my breather.



Sep 12, 2000
It is not normal to have oil around the shift shaft seal and counter sprocket seal,not unless it is from chain lube.That black tube on the rear of the top cases,is the tranny over flow tube,not the crank breather hose.I wouldn't worry about it right now, even if it is the seals, it does not sound bad.Wait till you change your oil out and refill and keep a eye on it.I dont know if over filling the tranny would cause your seals to leak.


Jan 22, 2002
over filling anything , the extra fluid will find its way out. at best it will come out the overflow at worst it will take a seal with it on its way out.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
A couple of things can make the "flow out the check hole" method a bad way to judge correct oil volume. The most important being gravity. With the bike just ever so slightly out of level this can give a false reading.
Measuring, on the other hand is spot-on.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Okay, so I drained the Oil and yes there was too much in there. I put in the correct amount and ran the bike. I still noticed a small drop or two of oil around the sproket. It is not coming from the shifter or any other area. Just the sproket.

I cleaned and degreased the area, and rode it. Still one drop and streak from that drop coming from the bottom of the sproket. It doesn't seem to be as big of a as drop but it's still there.

Now I am wondering, could have overfilling have done this? Will it cure it self? (hahah we can all dream)

But what I mean is, as soon as I get some time on it will the seal stop sweating or doing whatever it's doing.

Like I said the right amount of oil is in and it's a smaller drop than before.

Okay and this I found kind of weird. I get of the bike while it's running and I see nothing. But when I shut it off out comes a tiny little drop. Pressure?

And lastly, in all the parts fiche I look at, I don't see any CS. seal in this area? Just a countershaft collar? I know there has to be a seal, but why can't I find it in my manual or online? Or is the seal built into the collar?
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Sep 20, 2001
Based on what you describe it doesn't sound like much of a problem. While you are keeping an eye on it order these parts and you'll be ready if it gets worse. Most likely it will.

Part number: 91207-ML3-871, Oil Seal $4.56
Part number: 91201-ML3-873, O-Ring $1.58

Prices are from the Service Honda website (always good prices and service).

Let me know if you need a loan, I'll hook you up. ;)

Couple of pics for reference.

Good Luck!


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Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Wow thanks alot for that Bscott!

I have to ask however why would I need part 28 (the 4 dollar oil seal?)

The oil is coming from very small drops behind the sproket, and that seal is on the other side of the case :scream:

But maybe you know something I don't :)

Thanks again to everyone!


Sep 20, 2001
# 28 is an O Ring ($1.58) and is held in place by # 3. Your countershaft sprocket holds # 3 in place. # 28 (the $1.58 O Ring :) ) prevents oil from traveling down the splines of the output shaft towards the sprocket. Ever see something like that happen? :confused:

Now once you remove the sprocket, # 3 slides right off (this parts prevents the sprocket from rubbing the case BTW). Once # 3 is out of the way you can use a scribe with a hook on it to remove the O Ring. Then replace the countershaft seal, slide the new O Ring (it's only $ 1.58 ya know) and replace # 3. Note that the inner side of # 3 should be beveled to hold the O Ring in not install it backwards. It should also have a wear ring on it from the countershaft seal it case you don't notice the bevel. Replace the sprocket, chain, etc. and let her rip. :thumb:

Good luck!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Bscott, you are truly my hero!
Haha :confused:

I went to my shop to get the parts and of course they won't have them untill next friday. And my race is tommorow, but like I said it's only one drip every hour or so if that. So I should be good, hopefully :)

I finally noticed that part 28 is on the left side of my motor, but the fiche doesn't show the sproket so it confused me :confused: Don't worry im learnin :thumb:

PS. Is this an install that I could do? I am fairly competent in my work. But new things scare me lol
thanks again

PS, When you said replace number 3, is that something I should buy a replacement for, or can I reuse the old one ?
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Sep 20, 2001
Originally posted by CanadianRidr
my race is tommorow, but like I said it's only one drip every hour or so if that. So I should be good, hopefully :)
Go race....check it between motos. If the drip is as described, I would ride until the parts came in.

Originally posted by CanadianRidr
but the fiche doesn't show the sproket so it confused me :confused: Don't worry im learnin :thumb:
You're doin' fine. The sprocket is # 16.

Originally posted by CanadianRidr
Is this an install that I could do? I am fairly competent in my work.
You bet! 20-30 minutes if you take your time. Clean the area very well prior to removing # 3 to prevent the nasties from getting inside the tranny.

Originally posted by CanadianRidr
When you said replace number 3, is that something I should buy a replacement for, or can I reuse the old one ?
I should have said reinstall, my mistake.

Good luck at the races. :thumb:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Thanks too much Bscott! You are truly helpful.

So I rode the bike some more and now it seems I have very very little or if not any oil on it at all.

Grrr......I should be happy it stopped or for the while it stopped or slowed or whatever :) . It just makes we wonder whats going on it there haha!

but the parts are ordered and ill have it fresh and ready when the bike goes up for sale :thumb:


Jan 22, 2002
When you said replace number 3, is that something I should buy a replacement for, or can I reuse the old one ?

make sure it doesn't have a valley in it where the lips of the seal ride. If it does your best bet is to buy a new collar. If you dont feel like waiting for the collar polish it as best you can with fine emery cloth/scotch brite pad. Dont worry about making the whole surface flat you just want to make sure that there is no sharp edges than can cut the seal. this might buy you a little bit of time till you have to do a new seal, o ring and collar.

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