00 cr125 how much clutch lever play/clutch drag problem


May 1, 2004
Ok, on my 00 cr125, i don't have a book for it and it's been 6 years on a bike so i don't know how much clutch lever play is suppose to be. The guy before me had it setup so the clutch had no play, but i would think this would burn up the plates, so i adjusted it so there is some slack, but now, when i pull the clutch in all the way and put it in gear, the bike kinda jumps forward like the clutch isn't disengaged all the way but the clutch is all the way to the bar.

i'm used to streetbikes, you have to have play in them or you burn up the clutch, are dirtbikes suppose to be stiffer? Or is this lurch forward normal clutch drag with the lever in? I don't want to burn up my clutch by having pressure on the plates with a too tight clutch lever.

oh ya, the lurch isn't like, that bad, it doesn't start driving away, it just jumps forward a bit but doesn't drive. also, i have 20w50 oil in it, that thick oil might cause this also right?

thanks for the help.

also, could this just mean my clutch is worn? I figured it wouldn't drag enough if it was worn but i'm not a mechanic.
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Jun 21, 2000
It's not the oil, clutch drag is common once the clutch basket starts having grooves from the clutch plates. It is a sign the basket is wearing out. Usually it is worse when the bike is cold. If it gets unbearable even when the bike is hot, plan for a new basket $$$.


May 1, 2004
thanks for your help. that sucks. to clutch baskets wear out often? it's a 2000 so i think that's kinda weird. Would replacing the clutch help any? i did notice it's only when the bike is cold that it does it and it doesn't pull real hard, it just jumps a little bit when i kick it in gear the first time.


Apr 13, 2004
you should have a little play in your lever. you should be able to stick a nickel between the lever and perch. (that's what I go by.) I'm not sure if it's the same on a CR but on my KX there is another adjustment towards the bottom of the clutch cable. you might try adjusting that as well. I wouldn't worry about a little jumping forward when cold....as long as the bike isn't trying to move....I'd try adjusting more before replacing the clutch.


Sep 8, 2003
Before dropping into first for the first time when its cold, pull in the clutch and blip the throttle a few times and work the clutch a few times. Then try first.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 30, 2002
binder929rr said:
thanks for your help. that sucks. to clutch baskets wear out often? it's a 2000 so i think that's kinda weird. Would replacing the clutch help any? i did notice it's only when the bike is cold that it does it and it doesn't pull real hard, it just jumps a little bit when i kick it in gear the first time.

Yes, clutch baskets do wear quickly, especially on 125's. Replacing the clutch plates probably would not help, but I agree with the others, if it isn't unbearable, live with it for a while.


May 1, 2004
ok, i had my mechanic look at it. He says it happens a lot on his cr125 flat track bike. He said just file down the grooves in the basket and it should be fine. It's not really that bad actually now that i've been riding it more often. The guy that had it before me really neglected it so after changing the oil a couple times i got all that grey oil out of the tranny. thanks for all the help guys!

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