02 Cr 125 clutch not engaging

MX 125

Aug 21, 2003
when i was putting my bike away for winter i washed it and then rode it around in a parkinglot of about 10 mins to make sure there was no water anywhere there isnt susposed to be. Well it got nice again and when i took it out the clutch will not engage so i took it all apart cleaned it up re-oiled it put it back together filled it up with oil and it still dosnt work, i forced the bike back and forth and it eventuly rolled freely with the clutch lever pulled in but as soon as i stoped rolling it it locked right back up again i have no idea what is wrong and none of my freinds do either if anyone else has had a similar problem or knows what could be wrong i would like to hear from you. Someone told me that the plates could be so worn out the presure plate is bottoming agaist the inner hub but when i had it apart i measured some of the plates and they were well over 3mm.

MX 125

Aug 21, 2003
so i guess no one knows whats wrong, well if you think that it might be that the plates are worn out plz tell me i think im gonna order some soon and see if that was the problem.


Dec 25, 1999
I would suggest checking the plates and the fiber discs. You said they are good. But did you use a micrometer and compare them to spec in your manual? Every time I burned up a clutch in my CR125, is was always because I had word the plates and discs. Replaced them and it was good to go again. Also, make sure you don't have any plates or discs out of order. There should be a fiber disc on the inner most and outer most parts of the hub. And make sure you have you clutch cable tension set right. Should be a couple millimeters of free play at the clutch lever. A good rule of thumb, is you should be able to fit a nickle in between the lever and clutch perch before it actually pulls on the cable. Good luck!

MX 125

Aug 21, 2003
ya i did use a micrometer and i made sure i put them back in in the exact order i took them out. so i think my only option now is to just order a clutch kit and see if that works
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