'03 YZ450F Clutch chatter?


Oct 22, 2005
HEY fellas, thanks for being there- within 20 hours I could start to feel that upon engagement, my clutch would chatter slightly. I think I read somewhere that this bike didn't have the best clutch. Now that I'm overhauling the top end, I want to look into clutch fixes. I took off the cover and found no basket tang grooves. So I know that's not where the chattering is coming from. I hardly use the clutch, so I can't imagine the plates being worn out. I change my oil alot too. Any ideas? There's no way I'm spending hundreds to go with Hinson stuff... Thanks in advance.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Check for a warped metal drive plate. And sometimes when the friction discs get overheated, they get a glaze on them. Try this, lay a piece of fine grit sandpaper out flat on your bench........do just a few gentle figure 8's with each friction disc (both sides) to remove glaze. My Suzuki needs this every 5 or 6 good rides because tight woods riding makes me use a lot of clutch, getting it real hot..........I lightly sand the plates, good as new.


This was a well-documented issue with the 03's. There was a simple fix, but I can't remember what it was. Drilling some extra holes in one of the plates and/or replacing a plate or two with 04 parts. Try a search and see if you can find a thread on it...


Oct 22, 2005
Thanks Big Lou, but I tried doing a search under Thumper Central for 2003 YZ450F Clutch and nothing at all is found. Is there a different way I should have done the search? Please, anybody on this?


Oct 22, 2005
Thanks Big Lou! That's exactly what I was looking for. This site and all of us(you) are awesome! This closes this post/thread. thanks
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