05 KX 250 Flywheel Weight


Apr 11, 2003
Has anyone used one on this bike? Our local track had open practice last sunday, and I was getting a good bit of wheelspin. We have a int-soft terrain track, so it was actually good. It just seemed to hit so hard, like the flywheel was light. Or that my arms are not strong enough yet. What a beast. I was just wondering if anyone had tried one, and if so, what size weight woiuld be good to add. I tried a 7 oz. weight on an older KX and I couldn't really tell it was there.


Mar 17, 2005
I dont have a 05, mine is an 01 and I added an 11oz. Made a big difference in wheel spin. I enjoyed the quick revs, but the trade off for less stalling and easier to work on the trails was well worth it. It still rev's quick, but you will notice a significant difference. I think Steahly has 9 oz weights, maybe that would do the trick if your riding track. 11oz may be too heavy.

meangreen 67

Apr 16, 2003
I would give the bike some time.

Coming off an '03 KX250 that I had ported by EG to mimic my 98 KX250 motor, and coming off a 7 month layoff from injuries, my '05 motor was a handful the 1st 15 times I rode it. Like you said, the motor is a beast. Everything happens a lot quicker on the '05 compared to my '03. I put a 1 tooth smaller rear sprocket on to spread the power out and couldn't be happier. I still VERY rarely use 2 gear on the track. I am just now getting to the point where I feel I am as fast on the 05 as I was on the 03. The bike no longer feels like a beast, just a damn fast dirtbike.


Nov 4, 2004
I don't have a KX I have an 04 CR250R and I love my flywheel weight, I put on the 12oz and love it, hardly ever stall and it smoothed out the power somewhat but the biggest benifit is the lack of stall factor.


Oct 3, 1999
I've got a 13oz SFB flywheel weight but haven't tried it out yet. I don't think the bike needs it stock, but with the FMF Gnarly it does.


Apr 11, 2003

Did the Gnarley work as advertized? More low mid, less top? I would actually like more of the classic KX powerband. The new bike really reminds me of a newer YZ. And, as meangreen was saying, the more I ride it the more I get used to it as well. With my 03 and 04 KX250's, I tried PC and FMF pipes, and ended up likeing the stock pipe best for moto. Our tracks are soft to int dirt, so you really need power, but when it gets rough the wheel gets to spining, I get "whiskey throttle" and I start getting tired...we also run 20 minute motos, so I have to be able to hang on consistantly, which is difficult given my beer/pizza/beer training routine.
Looking for a little smoother power, but still fat. Like a 450. But a 250. Hmmmm.


Oct 3, 1999
The Gnarly definitely gives it more bottom. I didn't like it at all so I got off the bike fast, but I assume it takes a lot off of the top to give it that bottom end. It has a hard hit which I wasn't expecting, after coming off of my stocker, and it almost put me on my head upon entering the track and hitting the first tabletop jump. If bottom is what you're after then this is the pipe for you. You might find it excessive, though. I know my 2000 had great bottom end power but it didn't hit like that.
A guy told me that the V-force 3 reed cage made his 05 KX pull better down low, it's cheaper than a pipe so you might look at that avenue first to see if you get the desired results..

If you really want the pipe email me, I've got a brand new one sitting here in my shop and I don't know if I'll ever use it. camstyn@shaw.ca
Apr 5, 2005
I just bought a new '04 KX250 and installed a 11oz Steahly flywheel weight. I put about 4 hours of track time on the bike before adding the weight and was hoping to smooth out the power a little (looking for more traction). After putting another 4 hours of track time my conclusion is that the flywheel weight helps a little bit with controlling wheelspin, but not as much as I was expecting. The biggest benefit I notice is that the bike does not want to stall as easily when shutting off the gas when entering a corner. I dropped one tooth on the rear sprocket as well, and the combination of the flywheel weight and new gearing has made the bike slightly smoother on acceleration.


Jan 9, 2000
the 04 had a pv issue i seem to remember-the pv opened too late or something and caused a hit, fmf put a modified part in the package when they sold a pipe.