125 2T and 250 2t questions?


Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
So now that i am ready to buy my first dirt bike I was wondering whats the difference of noise between a 125 2T and a 250 2T. Even though they are both two strokes does the larger cc make it that much louder?

How much difference of performance will there be between the 125 and 250, and where will that performance be in the powerband?

Maintanence wise, will a 250 2-stroker have more problems than a 125 2T?


Apr 6, 2007
there is not much noise diffrence but there is a great power diffrence. 125 around 35 hp and a 250 around 50 hp.


Apr 8, 2007
maintence wise, sonce the 125's are higher revving machines, they will need to have their top ends changed more often than a 250.
May 9, 2007
Notonly is there a big difference in the peak output, there is a huge difference in the way the power is put out. A 125 is a high-rpm screamer, you have to rev the snot out of them to get the power. You have to learn good clutch skills to ride a 125 with any sort of speed. A 250 makes a lot more power a lot sooner in the rpm range, and pulls over a broader spread, with a lot more torque available. They need a lot less clutch work, and a lot less revs to get the job done.


Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
So in a way a 250 2 stroke would be better for a beginner as long as he or she could handle the power?
May 9, 2007
Yes and no. A 250 has a much broader spread of power, and is much more tolerant of being lugged at low rpms to make the power manageable. But on the flip-side, a 250 makes a lot more power, and can get you seriously hurt if you get careless with the throttle at the wrong time. A 125 will teach you better throttle and clutch control.


Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
Well i guess i would just have to have much respect for the machine if i find a good deal on a 250. If i end up buying a 125 i will most likely spend my money on performance parts i suppose. Anyways a few more questions: If im lucky enough to find such a deal on a 250 am i going to hurt the engine by riding in those low rpm's until i get used to the power? What is the quietest pipe and or silencer for both of these machines? If i get a 125 what accessories should i get to improve the bottom end performance? Thanks for all the info.
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