Okay so I just bought this Bike about a month ago, the previous owner just rebuilt the top end and the engine runs great! But I was riding it a week ago in first gear it just started to feel like a gear was catching on something and almost threw me off the bike, so I tried it again and it would just lock everything up and the only way to get it in neutral or any other gear would be to start it and pop the clutch real quick but it still wouldn't go, so I rolled it over to the pole barn and drained the transmission oil and took the clutch plates and basket off and now I think I need to get into the gears but before I do I was wondering if any of you guys had any idea what it could be. This is my first bike ever but I have worked on and own a few snowmobile so I know how two strokes work its just that transmissions are new to me, any help is greatly apprieceted, Thanks.