1st time arenacross fora 13 year old??


Apr 2, 2001
Heres the story. My brother wants too try areacross on March 1st . My friend has talked him in too it, and now my parents are taking him to to kamloops B.C for this event.Heres the scoop though. My bro thinks he can do lots of stuff, when he really cant( he dont walk his talk). He's riding a 94'KTM 250. He's about 5'11 and only like 135lbs. If his bike goes sideways in the air hes basically screwed. But he seems to think he's going to go out there and kick butt in the begginer class. I told him hes in over his head and that he dont know what the hell he's doing. Also hes running my old tire!!!:p (he buys my old M-12's after i'm done with them.). His back tire is crap(50 %), and he actually thinks hes going to get around out there. I told him you dont race with bald tires. Anyways, i think i'll pay $12 and sit in the stands and have a good laugh. What do u people think?

Tony Williams

Mar 23, 2000
I'd think there was a problem if he was in anything but the beginner class.

Doesn't mean he can't get hurt, but his choice sounds reasonable. Now, instead of complaining, why not help him out with some new tires to celebrate!


Sep 20, 2001
Wow an arenacross in Kamloops! I want to go and bring my son along, do you know where I can find out more about this event? Thanks.



Jul 3, 2001
Ya, what bake said, when is this event? I was kicking my self in the ass for not going to the event in Chilliwack that I saw on tv.

bake, where are you located?


Apr 2, 2001
The kamloops Arenacross is on March 1 and 2. I'm not sure on the times, but i'll find out all the time and everything else. The kamloops one is being held in the big riverside collisium(i think it's called something different now though). I will also find out more about the chilliwack event.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Pretty good size kid for a 13 year old

I think he'll find out what it's all about in practice and qualifiers if they run them. This weekend would have been my 1st to try arenacross but I had to work all day Friday so I couldn't make the practice & qualifier. I did however get the chance to race in the pit bike race on my daughters 60. You want to talk about fun, it was a blast. If I only got the chance to go round on my 125 I'd really be in "hog heaven." In my case I wouldn't be out there to prove a point by winning, my point would to prove to me I can do it, of coarse I'm 42. :eek:
I say encourage him but try to imbed in his brain to ride within his means. I is a real eye opener.


Apr 2, 2001
Cool i'll check out that site later. I'm on lunch break right now. Oh and i made a boo boo. he's 14 not 13. I'm an idiot>i dont even know my bros age:scream: . But ya he is pretty big for his age.
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