
Nov 7, 2000
drink plenty of water before the race. I would start at least 2 days before. drink plenty of water during the race. Also, conserve energy were you can.

Coach in ND

Mar 19, 2001
The most important thing I could tell you is to ride your own race and not let the pace of the other people on your minute dictate on how fast you ride. Alot of people think they need to race with the guys on your minute when chances are they aren't even in your class.

I start carbo loading a week ahead of time and hydrating 2-3 days before.

Just go out and think of it as a 60 mile trail ride with alot of buddies.



Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Remember that alot of the riders that will be flying by you are probably have years of enduro experience. Pace yourself and have fun. If you finish consider that you were successful.:)


Mar 7, 2001
Put your carb and crankcase vent hoses (not the float bowl overflow drain tube) up through the bottom drain opening in your air box and then seal around them and close and seal all the air box openings except the top to keep water out of your engine.
I did my second enduro last weekend, first in 15 years and my first in Florida, a short 25 mile family Enduro. I didn't water proof my bike. I made it a mile and a half then sucked water in to my engine. There were about a half a dozen of us that made it less than 4 miles. Several hours later, with help, I was able to push my bike back to the truck.
Remember, this is Florida, there is a lot of low land, and it rained last week, you will get wet.
I think my boots are still wet.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
MY suggestion is...

treat your first enduro like a long trail ride. Be smooth and ride a good pace that won't wear your out but don't lolly gag either. If you hear a bike come up from behind you let them by right away. They won't slow you down passing you, they will be by in a second. If you can, find out if one of the guys on your number is an experienced enduro rider and follow them -let them keep time for you as you learn. You need an Odo, watch and route sheet holder. Remember that smooth with few mistakes is the fastest in a long trail ride. If you encounter tricky mud holes,, stop survey the situation and take a smart line through them -even get off your bike and "run" it through the hole -it may not be the fastest method but was quicker than getting it stuck which kills time and wears you out.
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