
Crazy Ole Bag
Jul 28, 2008
Hey does any one know how to get 2 stroke oil and gas mix out of my boots? They were a nice newly bought SIDI crossfire boots and the can in the back of the truck leaked as the gasket was not on right and filled the helmet and boots with gas/oil. Now it has been 3 days and still stink. The helmet is fairing a bit better. Have not even worn the boots yet so any help would be appreciated. :bang:


May 27, 2005
Dirtymotonut said:
Hey does any one know how to get 2 stroke oil and gas mix out of my boots? They were a nice newly bought SIDI crossfire boots and the can in the back of the truck leaked as the gasket was not on right and filled the helmet and boots with gas/oil. Now it has been 3 days and still stink. The helmet is fairing a bit better. Have not even worn the boots yet so any help would be appreciated. :bang:

I'd give the helmet a good inspection to make sure the crushable liner was not damaged by exposure to the gas if I were you.


Oct 1, 2007
Woops stuffed that reply up.I was hoping for his boots the helmets doubtful if its had more than a tablespoon of fuel in it for any length of time


Apr 18, 2006
The gas will pretty much evaporate on its own, leaving behind the oil and other deposits. Just about any powder substance can be used to soak up the oil. Plain old dirt would work but I would recommend something like baby powder, something that is going to feel better next to your skin.

I bet your boots will be okay once you get the oil out. Your feet are pretty tough and as long as you wear thick socks they probably won't react badly to any residual petroleum products.

Your head is a different story. The padding on the helmet is much more of a sponge than you boots so it will be very difficult to get all the petroleum stuff out. You may get it dry, but any moisture will dissolve more and could create a problem. So, as long as your head didn't sweat you might be OK. But if you are like the rest of us your head will sweat like crazy in the helmet. At best your hair will smell like gas for a while. At worst you could end up with a major skin rash and irritation. Not fun.

If it was me I would try washing the helmet with a lot of dish soap and water. Like soak it in bucket over night. Agitate the bucket frequently. If that didn't work, I would get a new helmet



Crazy Ole Bag
Jul 28, 2008
Thanks for all the suggestions. I appreciate it allot. I also think a good cat litter may be effective. I am going to try a few of the suggestions and go from there. Besides a little gas in the hair should be a great way to get a guys attention!!!Just don't smoke by me!!! :rotfl:


Crazy Ole Bag
Jul 28, 2008
Just for the race! Maybe have a chance at a win... :yikes:


Feb 1, 2009
I would bin the helmet straight away as it will be damaged. the fuel will melt the impact resistant foam inside. cut it in half first so no one else can use it, I once threw out a crashed helmet and a guy at the rubbish tip said he was gonna use it on his scooter, it took me and on of his work mates a while to convince him not to as it was damaged.
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