2 stroke problems


Mar 10, 2003
I know its not a dirt bike, but I assumed you have experience with 2 cycle engines. Recently, it started sputtering and making noises when riding past ~15 mph(about 1/2 top speed) the problem got worse until about 5 mph it would back fire and completley loose power but it would never die. I opend up the carbeurator and cleaned it(lots of black stuff in the bottom) I put it back together and now it dosent wanna start, im gonna replace the gas and see if thats the problem but not shure.. a friend, whos mechanically inclined said it was lean from riding it but i really am at a loss here, any help will be greatly apreciated!


Sep 8, 2002
hey i had a simualr problem with sluggish throttle responce and lots of back fire on my 4 stroke. i took my TTR down to the to the local yamaha dealer, and the figured out my problem. my metal jerry can was rusted and that was going through my fuel system, and ended up clogging my carbie.

they gave the whole system a flush, put in a petrol filter and cleaned the carbis so she was running nicely. i alos bought a new plastic jerry can to keep my feul clean.

hope it puts you in the right direction.


Feb 18, 2002
Yep sounds like your running lean for some reason mate. You said u cleaned the carb, did you clean your jets?   Also make your your petcock is free from any derbis.  

It would really help us if u told us what the engine actually is from...even if it is from one of those dodgy 4 wheelers :D


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