2000 KDX200 gearbox question


Aug 23, 2002
I am almost done with my hybrid bike. Its a CR chassis with a 00 KDX200 motor. Well I dont have the right clutch cable yet (need a special one) but I wanted to start it up and run it through the gears real quick. With the bike running I got it rolling and hopped on and then snickered it into gear. Nothing Happened!! So I shut the bike off and rocked it back and forth in gear and you can tell the gears are working. Put it in neutral and moved it and neutral is good.
Question is-- Will a KDX not go into gear without the clutch? Also I am getting oil out of the drain plug but the plug and washer are new. Any ideas?


Aug 23, 2002
gear box problem fixed. It was the clutch. Put a cable on it and the bike works fine. Must just have a worn clutch in it. thanks anyways. Oil leak is from the new side case gasket , go figure I just replaced the thing.
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