Feb 25, 2001
Does the engine really lag behind ? will a Novice rider be able to really tell the difference ? I currently ride a 2001 Cr125 . I will send off the suspension as soon as I buy the bike and most likely have minor motor work done within a month of having it.


Nov 14, 2000
I liked the 2001 KX 125 a racing bud has his bike is totally stock for the most part. I liked the suspension it was alot like my '01 CR 125 but was plusher. It does lag alittle in the brakes compared to the honda but i'm not complaining. With some tweaking they could go from excellent to truely excellent, they don't lack in power to the honda's just alittle in modulation feel. As soon as you get used to it you won't even notice it anymore unless you ride like a CR than jump back on the kawie. The motor does lag but it has more bottom than the CR does they are about the same in the mid but the CR does have alittle bit more of it. It was so hard to tell the difference though cause it was so close. With some minor tweaking the bike will rip a PC pipe and shorty and a v-force reed block or carbon tech reeds definetly wakes it up. The kawie is seriously underrated but so is the CR. You going to race the bike? or just trail ride it?
Feb 25, 2001
It will be raced...and raced hard . If I stay injury free we are hoping to catch around 35 races. And hopefully get to Lorettas this year...last year I broke both my wrists right before the area qualifier and it took me nearly 6 months to be able to ride without terrible terrible pains in both wrists.


Sep 7, 2001
Hey H.P.

I bought an '02 KX 125 and I am definitely a novice rider. Nope, can't tell a difference at all. I think the bike rips. Yeah I know, the Yammie is way faster, the CR is lighter, etc. IMHO the KX is a great bike. I'm extremely happy with mine. When I get ready, I know that there are plenty of mods I can do to make the bike faster. For now, I'm happy with just hangin' on. Good luck this season.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
I rode a '02 KX 125 in stock form last October and LOVED it. After racing my YZ 125 at Byron MX... I took the KX for a few laps. I consider myself an experienced novice rider :)

Here is a summary of my thoughts:

MOTOR - NICE low end power (you could roll the throttle on through conrers without the clutch) and strong mid-range too. Lacking a little on the top because like most stock KX's, it revs out quick.

SUSPENSION - actually pretty nice in stock form. I'm 130 lbs. and it was a little stiff but worked nice through whoops and on bigger jumps. Made me feel REAL comfortable jumping the bike (even 1 jump I wasn't doing on my YZ).

CHASSIS/ETC - a little different that what I am used to. A little harder to carve out tight corners and a little stiff/bulky. But tracked VERY nice through sweeping corners. Nice cushy stock seat too. And easy to move around on. Brakes were pretty nice too, especially the front brake. Clutch was good as well and not neded as much as my YZ.

OVERALL - I loved it! Seriously considered ditching the YZ for one but in the end decided to send the YZ motor out to find some low end :confused:
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