Know when the rules or the list of qualified minis (50s) will be available on the AMA Web site for 2002? I only could find the 2001 info.
Also, any chance the AMA will have a mini four-stroke class? I'm NOT talking mini YZFs here, but for play bikes, like XR70s, TTR90s, KLX110s, etc. (At least one track wouldn't run the class part of 2001 because it wasn't an AMA class and they said there were some insurance ramifications.)
I'm asking because I'm trying to see if I can be cheap and get away with buying my kid one bike for racing and trail riding...I'd like to go with an XR or TTR because woods riding seems to be his true love, but still being able to race is a necessity; unfortunately, harescrambles are rarely done for the kids or when they are, they're not done right.